Tag Archive for: authority


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7

Our present world is full of misfortunes and crises. We wake up every day to a new challenge and adventure. It is terrible and tense, and its effect can not be overemphasized.

There is hardship everywhere. We hear the same news of disasters, rapes, suicides, murders, terrorism, and others every day. We ask, “Is it the end of the world?”

We are besieged by terror and dread. In spite of all the technological advances, we know that we have no solution to our problem. We realize money cannot buy life. The rich people have no peace. They have all the protection they need, yet they worry about assailants.

The poor man is also unhappy because he cannot afford the high bills and exorbitant prices of food and drugs. We are never satisfied with food, and we are not content with enough. There is no justice. There is no peace; lies and covetousness reign; the truth is trumped. And we ask, “shall there be a change or restoration of things again?” Is our world ever going to find peace again? because everything is collapsing and crushing. Our world is hastening to destruction.

Not quite long ago, the coronavirus brought the world to a halt. And there is a fear of monkeypox in the country. Is this ever going to change?

The answer is “YES.”

There is peace in this world of trouble, sorrow, hardship, and pain. There is hope in this devastated, evil-infected world. The answer and solution to our present world is Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “I have overcome the world,” the world of problems. The world of grief and anxiety, the world of terrorism and disease.

He finished it for you on that Friday afternoon when he exclaimed on the cross, “IT IS FINISHED!”

And he says, through him, we may have peace. In the world, there is tribulation. However, we shouldn't be frightened because he has overcome the world. ” -John 16:33

In this world, we will have trouble. We are guaranteed to have trouble.

And in the midst of all these uncertainties, God is reassuring us that HE IS THE ANSWER.

We have realized that science and technology DO NOT have solutions to our problems.


Try Jesus by Prayer.

When we pray, it literally means that we are telling God we're finished, therefore we cannot do what we ask ourselves. We surrender to authority and say, “God help”. The Bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ” -Philippians 4:6-7


Try Jesus by Faith.

God commands us to have faith, faith in Christ and not in ourselves. It is written, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. ” -Proverbs 3:5-6.

Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith. Everything he has said in his words is true.

Have you tried your government yet and found no solution? Try Jesus. Have you tried your country's security but still there's insecurity? Have you tried your doctor or your drugs but still can't quite get over that sickness? Have you tried everything to give yourself joy and be happy, but still there is no joy to be found? You need Jesus. Try Jesus Christ. In “the world you will have tribulations, but in Christ, there is peace for you. There is hope for the hopeless. Try Jesus!



When Leaders Betray

They were in charge and everyone knew it.  Their influence was almost tangible wherever they went.  The feeling was not positive.  In fact, fear and frustration are the best words to describe how they affected those around them.  Nothing was safe from them and no one stopped their reign of terror.  Eli talked to them about their behavior a few times but talking is where it ended.  He never as much as hinted at taking more decisive steps to reign in his corrupt sons, even though he had the power to stop them.  They brazenly violated the rights, property and women who they were supposed to serve.

It is more than disheartening when corruption sets in, and people take advantage of their authority to the detriment of those they are tasked with serving.  People and systems that are dishonorable and unprincipled undermine the very fabric of society.  Eli hears report after report confirming that his sons are harming the people and dishonoring God.  He confronts them with these words.

Eli called them out: “What’s going on here? Why are you doing these things? I hear story after story of your corrupt and evil carrying on. Oh, my sons, this is not right! These are terrible reports I’m getting, stories spreading right and left among God’s people! If you sin against another person, there’s help—God’s help. But if you sin against God, who is around to help?”  1 Samuel 2:23-24

The account goes on to say that Eli’s sons do not listen to him.  They continue to abuse the people and their power.  Eli had the authority to do more than talk to them about the situation.  He could have exercised his power to stop the abuse.  God’s response makes it clear that Eli could stop the suffering.

27-30 “A holy man came to Eli and said: “This is God’s message: I revealed myself openly to your ancestors when they were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt. Out of all the tribes of Israel, I chose your family to be my priests: to preside at the Altar, to burn incense, to wear the priestly robes in my presence. I put your ancestral family in charge of all the sacrificial offerings of Israel. So why do you now treat as mere loot these very sacrificial offerings that I commanded for my worship? Why do you treat your sons better than me, turning them loose to get fat on these offerings, and ignoring me? Therefore—this is God’s word, the God of Israel speaking—I once said that you and your ancestral family would be my priests indefinitely, but now—God’s word, remember!—there is no way this can continue.

I honor those who honor me;
those who scorn me I demean.” 1 Samuel 2

Eli chose his relationship with his sons over justice, the people and God himself.  As a result, God pronounces judgement on Eli.  He makes it clear that participation in corruption and abuse is never excusable.  This particular version speaks as if Eli was the one who committed the sins his son committed.  There is no pass for those complicit in corruption indirectly.  The abuser and the conspirators are equally culpable.  Proverbs 24:12 expresses it best.

“Rescue the perishing;
don’t hesitate to step in and help.
If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,”
will that get you off the hook?
Someone is watching you closely, you know—
Someone not impressed with weak excuses.”

God cares that much about his children and their well-being.  God cares that much about you.  He will never abandon you to abusive, corrupt systems or people.  You are worth more than that.  You are worth the life of Jesus sacrificed on the cross.

Divine stream (and the prophetic timing for Africa)

Divine Stream

Genesis 2:10; And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
Revelation 22:1; And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

There is a Divine stream that flowed forth from Eden to water the garden, we will come to discover that this stream is central to the move of God in the earth, at the time of Genesis the source of this river was not mentioned and if we were to remain here in our study, we will not see that it has an eternal source from which it flowed from. Journeying to the book of the unveilings, even the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John His servant, we can see that this stream flows right from the throne of God into the earth as captured in chapter 22vs1. When you follow the stream in Genesis to its fountain head, there you will find the throne of God and of the Lamb.
This Divine stream is nothing other than the issuing forth of the Spirit from the throne of God and of the Lamb into all the earth. It is the release of the very triune God as life through the out flow of His spirit, also, it is worthy of note that in the economy of the Godhead in carrying out His purpose, the spirit is perpetually proceeding forth from the father and the son, he is the clear crystal sea that flows from the throne and yet, one with the throne. He flows in the direction of God's move in the earth to enhance its accomplishment and as of the time of Genesis 2, the move of God in the earth was concentrated in the garden which is eastward of Eden, there we find the spirit. He flows in the direction of the move of God in the earth, the temple in Isaiah, God sought a move and we find the flow of the spirit facilitating the administration of the Angels for the move of God.
Even today where ever the work of God is there, you find the release of the spirit, his torrent flows to enhance God’s work and to bring His eternal will to pass, when the activities of the spirit becomes heightened in a given space to supply fresh grace, it is an evidence of God’s move. He perpetually flows in the direction of God’s move to promote its accomplishment.
Genesis 2:10-14; And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
Revelation 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
From our scriptures above, we see that this stream having a single source, flowed into different lands yet the same stream. Even today, this single stream from the throne flows into the continents of the world from Asia to America to Africa to Europe and to Australia; we also come to discover that this stream has some strange abilities, unlike every other natural stream so much so that, to wherever it flows into, it has the divine capacity to release life, a land and even a man remains dead until he has met the with Spirit, only the Holy Spirit of God has the power to impart life to a man, he animates the work of Christ in power and grace to a people who previously walked in darkness; secondly, we also discovered that as the stream flows it reveals the treasures of the land, the precious stones of the land were buried beneath ground.These potentials remained hidden until the stream flowed into them. It is worthy of note that every people or group has a potential to be relevant in the economy of God but will remain barren until they come into the flow of the river, only within its torrent can true relevance in the light of divine ordination be discovered; thirdly, we know that common to every pure stream is its ability to quench thirst. Our current world is in great need of reality, only in the river can human thirst for reality be quenched. Instead of giving men too many principles and laws that may help but a little, it is most expedient we bring them into the flow of the stream, there can their thirst for reality be truly satisfied.
Again we see the flowing all through scriptures, the same stream in Genesis is the same that flows up into the book of Revelations, we must discern the movement in every book and chapter of the bible, so as to remain in the current of the spirit, he is the Divine stream of God's Eternal Purpose. The same stream that inspired the building of the tabernacle in the old testament, has in the new testament made us the tabernacle of God, the same that inspired the consecration of the firstborn sons and priests to God has made us now both members of the corporate son of God and priests unto Himself, the same that inspired the prophets of old hath in these last days fulfilled them, even concerning Christ, even concerning Israel, and also the nations, we must see that his speaking throughout all scriptures is one not two, scriptures testifies about scriptures that it was given by the inspiration of the divine stream even the Spirit. Many haven't seen that, though the Bible is a library of books, there is but one single string connecting them all from beginning to the end, this string, is God's eternal purpose. God is seeking to achieve one thing, just a single purpose not two, that is, to gain a household of people bearing his image and expressing his authority, this purpose is centered in Christ, this is what the spirit testifies about all through the bible. He is moving from Genesis to Revelation in the direction of God's eternal purpose to see to its accomplishments; first in the eternity past to His hovering in Genesis 1, secondly, with the fathers from Adam to Abraham, thirdly, with Israel as a nation; working through the prophets, judges and kings, fourthly, today in the church the spirit is moving, fifthly, in the millennial age where the kingdom of the heavens will be visible for a thousand years and sixthly, into the New Jerusalem. We should be able to discern the flow of the stream in the direction of God's eternal purpose in every book of the Bible, only then can we become one with the river.
Ezekiel 47:1; Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar.
In Ezekiel, we see that the stream flows from the temple, signifying the divine fellowship of the body.There is a fellowship we share in the body of Christ, it is the fellowship of the spirit not of flesh, the same oneness we share in God through the spirit in regeneration, should be the same oneness that is expressed in the communal fellowship of the body but sadly, this is not so today, saints neither give place to the spirit in their lives nor even to the spirit's flow in the body life. He is mostly locked out from our community. We must see that the body of Christ is something divine and mystical yet real and tangible expressed through of our community life, it is not limited to space and time, yet expressed through them.I must repeat our oneness is not of anything flesh in a pattern of dress code or an encrypted way of speaking it is of the spirit, Paul calls it the bound of the spirit connecting the believers universally together and cannot be broken. This same spirit seeks to make the believers within a community, grow into one mind. We should in all things give place to the Spirit, for when we allow flesh come in, what it would produce will be bitter water of strive, envy, immorality and accommodating false doctrines and apostles. Brethren we must allow the spirit dominate in our fellowship, only then can this pure stream increase into the temple from threshold of brotherhood and communal life, it then over flows into all the earth, bringing life and healing to the nations.
The stream in the temple signifies the divine fellowship of the body, if this divine stream of the body which is our fellowship as brethren increases, we have the more tendencies to release life to the world. The Bible says where ever the river flows, to it brings life, only in accurate fellowship can life be produced; before we say or do anything in the body, we must ask does the spirit permits it? The grounds of accurate fellowship must be secured (Ezekiel 47:9). In the land of Goshen in Egypt, we see how death was stopped through the fellowshipping together as a family, breaking bread and eating meat in the camp of the Israelites, as they took the blood from the meat of fellowship and placed on their door post, God instructed the Israelites to have a feast as families in their houses while death plagued the world around, they enjoyed life (Exo). Accurate fellowship is our defense and relevance as the Church of Jesus, we must allow the river of true brotherhood flow, it flowed in the church in Acts 13, prompting the church's sending forth of Paul and Barnabas.

Again in the book of Acts, we see the divine flow of the stream as the Spirit, in the upper room a sound came from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind. If we trace the fountain head, the source remains the throne. The experiences we enjoy in the body are not earthly, they have their source from the throne of God, if we remain in the flow of the river, we will become more one with the throne. When we go into some gatherings of the Lord's people, you feel the dryness in the atmosphere, they have locked the Lord out of their meetings, it all then ends in frustrations and shallow level experiences. We must trace the river back to the throne, we must desire the out pouring of the river of God, only when He is out poured upon us, then we can know the mind of He who sits on the throne. The seeking saints should desire the release of the spirit upon them at all times, he is the divine seal upon the Lord’s work Acts 2:2.

Dear saints we must follow the current of the stream to meet the Father and the Lamb at His throne, there he is revealed.

From Acts, we can see that the Divine stream moves in the direction of God's Divine work and purpose, where ever the present move of God's work is, there you can find the stream and it moves throughout the ages. It flowed from Jerusalem, to Antioch, it then turned to the west, it flowed to Asia, through to Macedonia (that is Europe).
Note, that there is no end to the book of Acts, this is because, that stream still flows even today. It flowed through Europe in the 1600s and stirred up the Martin Luther reformation from the degradation that occurred in the church at Rome, it flowed through Azusa street, sparking the Pentecostal revival through William Seymour.
In the twentieth century it flowed through Asia, stirring up our beloved brother Watchman nee for the Lord's recovery work in his body.

Today we see this stream in Africa, yes AFRICA, there is a concentration of the Lord's move now in this continent, there is a particular emphasis of Heaven over this continent to make her the gaze of the nation, the truth is, God remains the Governor amongst the nation and is not restricted in his move amongst them but we see a unique flow issuing forth from Africa, her treasures consistent with her prophetic heritages are now being rediscovered to bring the attraction of the nations to her, the signs are in the clouds, the divine river now seeks to flood the heart of the young once again to desire God, even the God of Jacob. A new kind of grace is now being released affecting the texture of ministry on ground, the gross economic distress is only but a pointer to reveal to us of satan’s interest to cripple a land with great natural endowment but we see a river flowing to restore our heritage of people mapped out by God, this move will we bring Africa out of obscurity and make her a spot light amongst the community of Nations.
Oh Africa awake, for the river even the spirit now flows through your lands, the once dark continent shall become the bearer of light even the Shekinah glory!
The flowing of the stream captures the current flow of the move of God. If you haven't discerned the current of the stream you are out of the flow of God's move; in your nation you must discern where the river is moving towards, because where the river is, there the move of God for his work is.


¹ Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.
That the souls of those who thirst will leap for joy,
And our obscurity from reality shall in thee drawn.

² Our fellowship is dry and brotherhood lost
Our hands are weary from work
For the labors of the fields are great
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.

³ How great is your move amongst the nations,
Affecting every tongue, harvesting every race;
May we in your move be relevant,
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.

⁴ How great is your economy oh God,
You are uniquely one yet you are triune
Flowing into us for an everlasting union,
Flow forth, flow forth, even from thy throne,
Let your divine stream upon us yet pour.



Thank you!
This article is a product of the teaching ministry of
Daniel zadok, he is governed by the recovery
vision of God in His body for this age, which is for
converts to become disciples full of God and the
precise knowledge of His new testament
economy unto conformity to the image of Christ.

He believes in the Holy Apostolic Faith passed
down to us through the first Apostolic Fathers,
upon which the church should be Modelled after
and the individual maturity of the believers upon
this foundation will birth the true victorious

Contact: Ajahdaniel09@gmail.com

Prophetic Word for the month of AUGUST/AV 2022

In the blessed book of Revelation, we see our Lord Jesus Christ holding in his hand the stars. Regardless of the meaning of those stars, we know that God is the creator of the heavens and earth and he holds everything in the word of his power. He is the Lord over everything and over time. We know the times and seasons not by studying those elements but by looking at Jesus because all revelations come from him. Creation leads us to the Lord. A passenger is definitely aware of the car but his focus is on the driver and the road, and this is how we relate properly and in balance to time elements and the Lord of time. Months serve God’s purposes and they are simply containers for his blessings, just like you and we say blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord. Amen!

I sense so strongly from the Lord that many in the month of August 2022 will be moving to new houses/places. Why? Because you are a territorial spiritual being and your move has a deeper meaning than just “a simple move” to somewhere else. As you obey and move to the new, you will prosper, this is what Holy Spirit is affirming and confirming to you in the name of Jesus.

I also see in the spirit many of your husbands will start preaching/prophesying, I don’t know if this is related to the move or not, but it could be that the Holy Spirit will anoint and empower your husband to start preaching because that new place triggers a new gift and ministry. Halleluiah … I sense your neighbors will be so happy and blessed by you! They have been waiting for you to show up and for this time to come to pass.

I also sense that you will be pregnant, also I am not sure if this is related to the move or not, but you will be able to get pregnant, it seems like you are prospering and multiplying in the land of the new.

God’s blessings are all over you this month, he is opening doors for you on so many levels and you are sensitive to obey and follow the nudges of the Holy Spirit.

I also see that it is a month of confrontations with Satan because you are plundering his house. The devil always fights the feet of authority, the sole of advancements, those who have territorial authority and plans, and guess what? The Lord of Hosts will be with you and you will follow his divine orders and see his victory and banner!

For some, I see the new school of your children in this new place and I see the blessing of the Lord over it, your children will be in God’s favor in the eyes of their principles, they will be distinguished among many and their grades will score high, they even will lead and serve there and will impact others’ lives. Are not you proud of your lads already? Halleluiah.

Why is the Lord revealing all this to you in this monthly prophetic word? Because he wants you to MOVE, he really wants this, so move! You are blessed. Amen

Tony Francis

Feel free to sow financially at the beginning of August 2022. Let's believe for your children's prosperity in this new season in Jesus' name! Thanks for blessing and supporting Healed Nations' ministries!

Breaking the Lies of the Enemy

Your breakthrough lies beyond the lies of the devil.

This is not another devotion you are reading; it is a deliverance word because it is God’s heart for you to be set free, totally free. Christ gave Lazarus life but what is life wrapped in cloth? It doesn’t last.

Lazarus would have choked back to death in the cloth of bondage on his face and body, preventing him from breathing and moving forward. Do you feel like that? That’s why Jesus screamed out loud to his disciples: “UNTIE HIM”. Jesus is indeed the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, he starts a good work in you and finishes it.

You are alive in Christ when you received him. The process of untying starts and continues for every believer after the new birth experience. Are you wrapped up with lies? Hear Jesus’s authority screaming over you: “Untie him”. Why is it important to receive your divine freedom? I will tell you why and I pray you will never forget this revelation all your life.

Lazarus was raised from the dead, what a powerful miracle of resurrection that everyone saw with their naked eyes, and to this day it is still reported in the bible for every generation. Go back in time with me, look at Lazarus being raised to life gloriously, but wrapped in death cloth still. Can you see him? Yes, but he is like a silhouette, can’t really tell who this living man is until he is unwrapped, untied, and set free.

Being free from lies and bondage shows your identity, and reveals who you are clearly to the world. God wants to give you life AND UNVEIL you.

You are not just given the life of Christ but you became Christlike! The devil will fight like hell to keep your image buried behind lies and bondage because once you are free, you are revealed, and Christ is revealed through you and the world will come to know him.

“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Romans 8:19-21


Tony Francis


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Request Prophecy, My Heavenly Calendar, Dream Interpretation & 101 Prophetic Activation

Request a personal prophetic word from the Lord by email or WhatsApp. The Now Word, The Month Word, the Friend Word, the Couple Word, the Yearly Word, Your Heavenly Calendar, Dream Interpretation & 101 Mini Activation and Mentoring. Read our encouraging testimonies how people are blessed after receiving this ministry. Learn more about this and get yours today!

Breaking Demonic Altars

The only altar Yahweh wants to have us establish in our lives is his own altar. Altars are the only ancient spiritual transaction method linking realms together. God established this system and the devil knows it very well, do you know it? Are you aware of it?

As the umbilical cord to a baby, so is an altar to you. What are you connected to? Are you an entrance for the heavenly or hell?

Not many know about the transactions that happen through altars thus they are defeated or positioned for defeat. God wants you to know about this and you are reading this word today!

The first altar made in the spiritual realm was “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8). I can almost touch the reality of it thinking about it. The LAMB ALTAR, Jesus Christ, the Son of God was the first holiest altar ever established by God and through that protocol, he licensed himself to enter our world “In the fullness of time” in his incarnation. You see my friend, altars are first built spiritually then at a certain point in your timeline you will see the manifestation of it.

Altars may be building up right now in the invisible world without your knowledge and at some point, it enters your world. The devil is not in a rush really, he is more mattered about succeeding than warring randomly. A sickness altar may be building secretly for you and maybe years later cancer shows up. Altars are the protocol, the ancient and only spiritual transaction method between realms, the invisible to the visible. The devil is a professional in the art of building altars in people’s lives, in regions, and the whole world. He knows the protocol, he thinks altars like God.

You can read in the bible the numerous stories and events concerning godly altars and demonic altars. You can learn the secret. In the Old Testament, a powerful and authoritative person has the key of the city, possesses its door of influence, and dominates the GATE.

“When I went to the gate of the city and took my seat in the public square, the young men saw me and stepped aside and the old men rose to their feet; the chief men refrained from speaking and covered their mouths with their hands; the voices of the nobles were hushed, and their tongues stuck to the roof of their mouths. Whoever heard me spoke well of me, and those who saw me commended me” Job 29

It is powerful when you possess the gate but real power is when you are a person of the altar. If you can create an altar first, then you can expect the outcome! What is the concept of an altar? A sacrifice.

  • Animal sacrifice
  • Words sacrifice (Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.) Hebrews 13:15
  • Fasting
  • All sorts of giving and especially the sacrificial giving

(This is a non-exhaustive list. I am just showing you the sacrifice concept of the altar)

How do you break demonic altars? Mainly by making sure you are building your godly altars that will protect and enforce your domains but since we are not very active in this and since we have a ferocious enemy, altars may be built in our lives and we need to follow Holy Spirit to take them down immediately. If you are lazy in your generation to purge the atmospheres, rest assured these demonic altars would visit your children and the next generations. Altars don’t die, they are broken by Christ’s authority and a Holy Spirit led strategy.

One of the obvious things you are influenced by altars is a strong pattern, whether good or bad, a blessing or a curse. A sickness reoccurrence is a pattern, also being blessed financially continuously is a pattern. Patterns help you recognize the existence of an altar. Let us take a suicidal pattern in a certain city, or region, for example, this is an altar.

I love the story where King David sacrificed hundreds of animals every step of the way while bringing the Ark of the Covenant, the presence of God. What a great blood scene of sacrificing all these animals for the presence of God. A sacrifice determines the presence of a realm/being. David knew the protocol and he excelled in it. When you want the favor of a king you invite to your home, you give it all, from food to the finest clothing, etc.

Jesus is the greatest altar ever, there is no altar that matches him or overtakes and overrides him. You have conquered the devil by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus is God’s extravagance that only pleases Yahweh.

Lord, help us take down intruder altars in Jesus’ name. Amen

Tony Francis

Navigating 2022 Through the Lens of the Holy Spirit

I was caught up to the throne realm of God, to the chamber of Authority, the true one God. Here is the scroll God extended to me concerning what we need to know about what’s coming.

What is coming has much to do with what you are creating. You can make 2022 happen, you have a dynamic role to play and call what doesn’t exist into existence!

I started by saying, I was in the chamber of Authority because this is what God wants to minister to us, to you and me, his authority, you are in CHARGE! Jesus in his earthly ministry was intentional every day, he prayed at night, downloaded Yahwah’s agenda for the next day, got up early in the morning, and went about doing good. Jesus wasn’t waiting passively for news to happen, he came to fulfill his Father’s purposes and complete it and he did!

Waiting at the gate of 2022, God wants you to enter in and make THINGS happen. Can you feel the authority? I just awakened it in you, it is there.

Creation is groaning and waiting eagerly for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of Glory. Creation groans for redemption! Your emerging is not passive but active, at will and at hand. Are you going to arise for his glory?

Make 2022 happen!

Tony Francis

Where is the Power of God Today?

If Jesus Christ was your pastor, would He hire interpreters for the deaf in His church?   If blind people came to His church, would they leave blind? If those with cancer came to His services, would they still leave with cancer? The church preaches about Christ every week, they preach about His great power, they preach about His great love, they preach about His ability to heal sickness and disease. So where is this great power in the church today? Why are we not seeing great signs and wonders by His followers like the early church did? Do you ever ask yourself these questions? I certainly do.

I believe the reason we are not seeing these great exploits among the majority of believers today is because the majority of believers today are carnal, not spiritual. (1Corinthians 3:1) They are babes in Christ. They have allowed themselves to become so entangled by the cares of this world that they have become unfruitful and powerless. “And these are they which are sown among thorns, such as hear the Word, but the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful.” (Mark 4;19)

Now I realize that we all must go through maturing stages in our Christian walk, and to be carnal at some point is natural, but for 20 years or longer? We have those in the body of Christ that have been saved for decades and yet are still babes in Christ. They are simply too lazy or too busy to study their bibles and renew their minds with the Word of God. They never grow spiritually and as a result, have become defeated and ignorant of the authority Christ has given us as believers. Another reason is that many churches are stuck in man-made traditions which quench the Holy Spirit and His power. Still others simply do not believe that the supernatural gifts are operating in the new testament church today. They do not understand spiritual warfare, how to use the authority God has given us in the name of Christ to combat demonic forces that are running rampant in the lives of our loved ones and people throughout our world.

Whatever the reason, this type of carnality and ignorance of God's Word will cause us not to walk in the fullness of the power and authority that He intended. I am thoroughly convinced that the Lord has once again become weary concerning the condition of His church and has issued a change coming. Jesus tells us in the book of Mark, “these signs shall follow them that believe, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17,18) Do you see this happening on a regular basis in the church? I certainly don't. Although I do believe we are about to see the return of great signs and wonders to the church that will play a major part in evangelism in these last days.

If we look back at the evangelistic methods of Christ Himself and the early church, we see where they raised the dead, healed sickness and disease, opened the eyes of the blind, “and many believed.” (Acts 9:40-42) Signs and wonders are to shew forth the power and glory of God, and they were meant to be part of evangelism to bring people into the Kingdom. God isn't just showing off, and our focus isn't to be on signs and wonders, but on the saving of souls. For the last several decades God has been preparing a generation of believers behind the scenes. He's raising up an army of believers who will refuse to compromise their faith, who seek not money or fame, who walk in a power and a boldness unlike anything we have seen in a very long time. They are the ones who will be leading the way in the coming days. So where is the power of God in the church? It's coming, and when it begins to spread throughout this earth like wildfire, there will be no mistaking it.

Jeff Allen

Conversation With God

“What is on your mind child?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I feel a lot of unresolved conflicts inside that produce stressful thinking and I can’t make them subside. I don’t want these destructive feelings destroying me or my day.”

“Well, you are on the right track by recognizing the problem, and wise to consider the choices you have to resolve it.”

“Yeah, I know. But it’s still a battle to redirect your adrenaline rushes onto something way more worthwhile, something that is life-giving instead of life-consuming. It’s like the bad news always invades my peace and stifles my ability to stabilize it back to normal. I feel I need to change this pattern.”

“What have done so far today to reverse these stressful thoughts?”

“In my mind, I want to sit down and immerse myself in your Word to start off my day, but in reality, I fall prone to distractions, as if my worrying will change the outcome. How foolish of me to obsess like this. It’s a glaring weakness I have. I even go so far and believe it’s in my nature to be taken captive, that I’ll always be predisposed towards anxiety, and that I will have to work harder to eradicate it than most people.”

“Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, the entire human race is still under siege, taken hostage by strongholds that can only be torn down by my Word, which, by the way, is the same for everyone – it has the same mighty working power for every set of circumstances, not just yours.”

“I know your words are truth Lord, and I vow right now to stop making excuses, and to exercise the authority you have given your followers to cast down these vein imaginations and make them obedient to your word. I am deciding right now, that after this conversation, I will put on my full armor and stand up tall, empowered in your truths, and confident I will succeed because you are on my side.”

“That’s my girl. See, we just needed a little refresher talk. I haven’t changed. I am the same Lord who walks with you through every trial you face. What makes the difference is when we walk together.”

“God, I will never not need you. Every waking moment I live and breathe is a reminder of my desperate need for you. I can’t move into the next second without your presence. Thank you for your steadfast unwavering love for me. I want you to be glorified in my life today. Thanks for standing by me as I pondered my dilemma on how to proceed from here.”

“Carry these words with you today and reflect on them often – He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast on thee. That’s a promise. Hide it in your heart, and rejoice that you are free when you are close to me. It’s a part of my redemption plan for you child. I love you unconditionally. I will be interceding for you today.”