Tag Archive for: sin

You Can Workout Without Pain!

The blessing of Adonai is what makes people rich, and He doesn't mix sorrow with it. – Proverbs 10:22.

How was life before the fall? It was like Proverbs 10:22. In the Garden of Eden, Adam lived in a realm of life, and blessing, and never knew toil.

Adam only labored for ONE thing, which was the highest pleasure of toiling for something or SOMEONE; he sought the Lord and walked with Him daily. Adam's mindset was never conditioned to worry about provision because he never awoke in lack, and he never knew it until the fall. It's like when a person is born into a wealthy family and is served with everything night and day. I know it's a simple example compared to Adam's glorious life, but it helps you see a glimpse of his lifestyle!

It was God's original design for you and me because we WERE in Adam, remember? Thank God for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who LABORED again, righteous labor in the GARDEN of Gethsemane, and sweated blood so He could restore us to the BLESSING of life and the mindset of His riches in glory. Those who follow the Lord and are part of His Kingdom should awaken to this truth because they are restored to it, and they should walk in the light of this revelation and the manifestation of this inheritance! Knowing it doesn't mean walking in it because faith secures it for you!

Don't read what I'm not saying, please. God is not inviting you and me to a life of passivity or laziness and opening our mouths wide to be fed by a mama bird. Jesus exhorts us to work as long as it is day!

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 15:58

So if we are restored in Christ, to what exactly did God restore us?

In Christ, the Lord restored you to the blessing that ENRICHES you WITHOUT toiling!

“The blessing of Adonai is what makes people rich, and He doesn't mix sorrow with it.” – Proverbs 10:22

The Holy Spirit breathed mightily on this verse to me not a very long time ago, and it felt like a portal of blessings and EASE opened up for me that I never experienced before. I started believing it, taking God at His word, and praying this verse A LOT, believe me, a LOT. It's part of my daily prayers, and it's manifesting in wild ways for me. One of those ways is my health!

A year ago, the Lord led me to know about intermittent fasting and poured joy, excitement, and grace into me for this. I am enjoying every bit of it and NEVER felt a day I was fasting. It has been more than a year now. I'm not here to list the benefits of IF; you can look it up for yourself. I'm here to testify that the EASE of doing it is crazy. I am fasting for almost 18+ hours every day without feeling like I am doing it; it is His blessing that is enriching me WITHOUT TOILING! You know those moments when you say without a shadow of a doubt, IT IS THE LORD! This is that.

Also, recently, out of nowhere and without planning it, suddenly on my birthday, I had this urge to go outdoors and start walking. You need to know I AM NOT someone who is FOR sports and to respond to this prompting had to be the LORD. I obeyed by faith, and it was a prompting filled with joy and not a religious spirit. It has been a week now that I have been walking daily, and believe me when I tell you THERE IS NO TINY SORROW OR TOILING WITH IT. God's grace is joy-filled!

I am living this verse, or let me say, I am living in the realm of this tangible blessing, and I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit breathed life into it and made it part of my daily routine.

I forgot to tell you that I work out until I feel tired because I don't want to abuse this verse; it says the blessing of the Lord enriches you without pain. You should stop when there is pain, even the slightest feeling of it, or else you are tapping into your effort of MAKING it happen.

Let God rule with His grace in you and through you!

What are the areas you want God's grace, ease, and blessing to land on you? Let's believe with you!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Share this word with others as your seed.

Porn is an “I Don’t Care” Spirit

It always intrigued me when I read in Hebrews 12:16-17 that the Holy Spirit put the careless act of Esau, who sold his birthright for red stew, and sexual immorality in one verse!

“See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.” Hebrews 12:16-17 (NIV)

In Genesis 25, Jacob asked his brother to sell him his birthright, and this is the mindset of carelessness and godlessness that Esau was entertaining that cost him everything. Esau said to his brother in response to this meal exchange:

“Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”

Let's examine closely if this mindset is true or a lie. Was Esau going to die? Not at all, he was just famished and was around a prepared aromatic meal. Plus, Esau is a hunter. It was never the pressure of dying that drove him to sell his birthright; he detested it from the beginning. It meant nothing to him, and an opportunity like that exposed what was already in his heart! But we like to blame God.

Wow, Hebrews 12:16-17 is some verse: “See that no one is sexually immoral or is godless like Esau who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son.”

The Holy Spirit considers sexual immorality the same as carelessness. Porn is an “I don't care” spirit, give me the desires of my heart right now. We also give it excuses: I am stressed, I was abused, those are my hormones, I am dying anyway, everybody is living this lifestyle, God will keep forgiving me because “I'm weak,” you name it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you name the sinful desires of your heart. Why are you doing what you are doing? For Esau, he detested his birthright; it meant nothing to him from the beginning. When you are tempted sexually, what mindset is legalizing this to you?

Porn is this careless spirit. I don't care if I get naked with a stranger or just see this erotic movie, imagine wrong things, submit my organs to uncleanness, or consider other bodies as cheap and available to me if I want them.

Porn is an “I don't care” spirit. Just one more masturbation, it won't hurt, it is not the end of the world. Just one more one-night stand, I am a man, God understands this. What lie are you entertaining? What are the roots of your carelessness toward God, your own body, and others?

“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:21-28).

It is always about an exchange!!!

Esau exchanged the highest glory for a lesser one, filling his stomach, and maybe, as the scripture says, their bellies are their gods. Maybe that was Esau's god! We all face exchanges, especially under pressure; when you are facing them, what is going on really? Are you aware that you are selling the Holy for the unclean, Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?

One more thing that caught my attention reading Romans 1 is that sexual immorality is called lust, but when it is a gay activity, it adds the word shameful lust to it. Shame is added! You are not for shame but for glory in Jesus' name.

I trust the Holy Spirit, who can sanctify you—spirit, soul, and body! You shall know YOUR truth, and it shall set you free.

Porn is an altar of worship; it is where you offer the expensive you cherish most. What are you offering each time you lust? And remember, being tempted with it is not wrong until you embrace the sin. Jesus was tempted with everything without sin. But when you lust and engage in sexual immorality and shameful activities of lust, what are you manifesting? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be!

I've discovered so far in the realm of the soul that freedom is very tied to knowing the truth of the matter. It is not just a prayer away. The Holy Spirit will journey with you to remove the grave clothes you are wearing because you are a son and daughter of life.

Don't give up because today you are in a place of progress, even though it doesn't feel like the fullness of your breakthrough yet. You are advancing. I am trusting God that your body will become a holy living sacrifice for him and nothing else.

You will come to a place of fearing God and knowing and WANTING him and his things more than any other thing in life!

Tell the “I don't care” spirit, I DO CARE! Live worthy.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Leave your opinion below and if you need a prayer for this or a loved one. Share this article, please!

Blessings and Battles: My 40th Unexpected Birthday Experience

Many of you know by now that on June 7th, 2024, I turned 40. Yay! I just finished a decade and started a new one in the Lord. I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of my birthday, but I felt it was a big deal to end a decade, especially when it was loaded with challenges, sicknesses, and many lessons, and start a fresh new one. God celebrates us daily, monthly, yearly, and decade-wise. He cherishes our time on earth and considers it a valuable asset for His glory. I know a birthday is precious because it reminds us of God creating us, but I always thank the Lord for my second birth 20 years ago! Both are important.

So, my birthday is on June 7th, and this time it fell on a Friday, which is a Sabbath, entering the rest of God. Also, 7 means completion, and turning 40 is meaningful because it is the number of ending a wilderness, and it feels like that. Not only that, the month of Sivan 5784 started on my birthday!

The Lord has been talking to me a lot about rest and entering my promised land, and I couldn't wait for a fresh new beginning in the Lord. As many of you saw, I even created a webpage declaring and prophesying all those goodies. You can still leave me a birthday prayer there and enjoy my gifts for you. (Click here)

Friday came, June 7th arrived, and I NEVER expected that instead of experiencing the goodness of the Lord and the promised rest and freshness, waves of demonic temptations would bombard me. Oh my God, pressure from every side, sexual temptations, oppression, ups and downs, swirling emotions, and even the strong feeling of going back to Egypt, my place of bondage. My soul was in agony, confused, asking the Lord what was going on. I even told Him, “This is not real because I feel like 20 years of being on the potter's wheel feels like a waste.” Wow! What is going on, Lord?

I forgot that a new beginning and new levels are a threat to Satan. Forgot! I, who teaches the Bible and about the ways in the Spirit, was caught off guard. The devil was at the gate of this NEWNESS of Life to abort it and destroy it. To discourage me and compel me to hate it and expect nothing but death, pain, and curses.

Please read this carefully because you will learn something powerful here:

I am a free man. Not that I won't be tempted anymore—everyone will—but it took me years to establish my transformation and freedom in my character and mind, especially in my places of bondage. I greatly appreciate my freedom because sin was never fun and will never be. It was a tormenting cycle! Pleasant to the eye and feelings but deadly when you partake of it. This is how sin works! Remember when we all fell in Eden?

So when you feel a sudden urge to go back to Egypt after years of freedom and enjoying your transformation, KNOW that there is a demonic presence and oppression here because it doesn't make sense why there is this strong stirring in you to do something this strong you forgot about, prayed over with tears for long, went to conferences for freedom, read the books, rebuked the devils, etc. So when it is a sudden urge, discern that there is a demonic activity. But if you are still in your journey toward freedom, know that you still have strongholds and wrong mindsets that are not yet touched by the Lord or renewed. So it is natural to feel frequent desires to sin. Those urges can sometimes be demonic but not necessarily. It is mainly because you are not there yet and your flesh is still active.

This was not the case on my birthday—three days of oppression, entertaining sin, and old behaviors. Sometimes I made it, sometimes I couldn't. I never experienced a level of oppression like that before.

Why am I sharing my vulnerability with you here? Because many of you are and will start a fresh NEW strong beginning for the glory of the Lord, and the devil is at the door, not just the Lord. You need to be aware of this, be watchful in prayer, and seek help, intercession, and a faith community to take out your giants.

We all want to enter the promised land, but no one wants to confront the giants. I was focusing on my promised land and forgot giants were waiting for me. But greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Even though you go through battles, the final say is the Lord's. Remember that the dragon is WAITING for the woman to give birth to kill the baby(Revelation 12) and tried his best and caused lots of trouble, yet we have read the last chapter and Jesus wins!

Don't feel discouraged because with God things will get better and right on track if you keep pressing in. I am writing you this in the belly of the whale, knowing that any moment now, with your prayers, love, support, and giving, I will experience resurrection life and power because it is my portion and yours in Christ.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

We'd love to hear from you! Share your experiences, new beginnings, and thoughts in the comment section below.

What’s Holy Spirit Saying For June 2024? Listen!

Tony Francis, author of Healed Nations Ministries, shares a powerful prophetic word for June 2024! Are you ready to hear what the Holy Spirit has in store for you? Prepare for a life-changing message to ignite your faith and reveal God's heart for the coming month. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered as you listen to this timely word from Tony Francis. Don't miss this opportunity to align your life with the Holy Spirit's direction and experience breakthroughs in every area. Tune in now and discover the incredible possibilities that await you in June! Share this with others. “Wherever you look, BLESSINGS”.

Sharing My Special Birthday Wall Moment With YOU!

Hey there! This is Tony Francis, author of Healed Nations Ministries. I'm excited to share a special moment with you – my upcoming birthday! On June 7th, 2024, I'll be completing my thirties and turning 40. I want to celebrate this milestone with you by offering some giveaways and discounts as a token of my appreciation. I've also set up a comment section for us to interact. Whether you want to wish me a happy birthday, offer a prayer or prophecy, or bless my ministry that's reaching people around the world, feel free to drop a message. Praise God! I can't wait to see your name on the birthday wall! God bless you.

A Letter to Fear By Joyce Meyer

Dear Fear,

I only refer to you as “dear” because of our long-term intimate relationship and certainly not because you are dear to me in any way. In fact, you've been a tormenting influence from start to finish. You have told me lies and prevented me from doing the things I wanted to do and should have done. You are indeed a miserable, wretched companion, and one that I am no longer willing to be involved with.

I'm writing you this letter to let you know that from this point forward, I will not fear. Although I may feel your presence, I will not bow down to your demands. I have a friend whose name is Jesus, and He has promised to never leave me nor forsake me, but to be with me always. He is indeed a powerful friend, and although you do have some power, His is by far much greater than yours. You can come against me, but Jesus lives in me, and the power of the One who is in me is greater than you are.

Now, although I cannot prevent you from coming to visit, I do want to give you notice that you will be ignored from now on. I'm far too busy now fellowshipping with my new friend Jesus and developing an intimate relationship with Him to give any of my time to you. The more time I spend with Jesus, the more courageous I become. He's teaching me a new way to live, one that's exciting and adventurous, one that is fearless.

I also want to inform you that since I have so much experience with you now and know how self-defeating it is to listen to you, I intend to tell as many people as I can what a thief and a liar you are. The years I have wasted with you will be redeemed, and I will bear much good fruit. Thank you, dear fear, for driving me to Jesus. You see, you made me so miserable that I sought a way to be free from you, and Jesus met me where I was and set me free.

Now, should you decide to waste your time and try to visit me even after my letter, I'm letting you know ahead of time that you will be met by faith in God and determination that I will not fear.

Sincerely and determined,

[Your Name]

“Letter to Fear” is taken from Joyce Meyer's Living Courageously book.

Let us know in the comments below if you are struggling with fear now or had and how you overcame it. Also if you need a prayer for this, readers here can pray for each other, and as a ministry, we will pray for you! 

How To Obtain Real Faith? A Powerful Teaching by Kathryn Kuhlman


Volumes have been written and spoken about faith, yet we understand so little about it. Each of us desires faith, but it's not something we can work up or carry around like a handkerchief. It's a gift from God, a fruit of the Spirit.

When will the world stop its foolish struggles and simply believe? If you've been trying to manufacture faith, just stop. Faith doesn't come from our mental and intellectual gymnastics; it must come from God.

We are capable of belief but incapable of exercising biblical faith. This is why many mistakenly think belief is faith. Belief is cold, intellectual, and mental. The devil believes, but that doesn't save him. We need to understand this clearly: belief and faith are not the same.

Faith is living, moving, operating, and sweeping away the enemy of our souls. You only need faith the size of a mustard seed if it's God's faith. If you sincerely want faith, He will impart it to you.

The Jericho Road without Jesus is just a road. With Jesus, it becomes a shining highway of salvation and healing. It takes the presence of Jesus to transform our lives.

The blind man didn't sit and say, “I believe I can see.” He cried out to Jesus for help. Jesus asked him, “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” The blind man wanted to see, and Jesus granted his request through faith.

Where did the blind man get this faith? Jesus gave it to him. Just like a watch given as a gift, the faith belonged to Jesus before He imparted it to the blind man.

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. It's His matchless grace and love. We are like tiny seeds that can grow into something noble and beautiful for God.

Once, a tiny acorn shed its overcoat and grew through the winter with Mother Nature's care. But a man placed a heavy rock over it, hindering its growth. The little tree didn't struggle to move the rock; it simply grew until one day the rock was lifted.

You and I are like that little seed. We can grow through the challenges of life. The power of faith can be manifested in us until men and angels wonder.

When the battle is over and victory is won, don't boast of your own accomplishments. Kneel at Jesus' feet and say, “Is it not wonderful that His grace and faith should be manifested in me?”

Beloved, I have no faith of my own. It's not something I can manufacture or send to you. Faith is a gift from God. It comes from Him and is a gift He gives to you and me.

By Kathryn Kuhlman

You can listen to Miss Kuhlman's original message “The Real Faith” on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4ShaU6Jqk8

Open Heaven & Breakthrough

Breakthroughs have timing; you may not know the hour sometimes, but you can discern the season. A pregnant woman, for example, can't believe for her baby's delivery breakthrough before the 9th month, or she will be delusional and may tap into hurt on all levels. No matter how hard her pregnancy is or how anticipating, she can't skip the growth and the process of her most precious child.

“Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.” Isaiah 66:9.

It is the same God who gives you strength to be productive and the SAME GOD who gives you pushing power. God wants to complete the cycle of your blessing; he is for you! No pregnant woman knows the day or the hour of her delivery, but she knows the season and lives all around that breakthrough moment she is awaiting and laboring for a long time.

“Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” Zechariah 10:1.

Ask for rain in the time of rain! You can't ask for rain when it is not the right time for an outpouring. Whatever this outpouring you are waiting for, a breakthrough in your business, finances, relationships, health, ministry, etc., God will reveal to you the season of your breakthrough. I know that because he wants you to be aware and alert so you won't miss the day of your visitation and have everything go in vain. He wants you to be fruitful; he is your helper, comforter, guide, and strength.

“Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.'” Luke 19: 41-44.

The Lord is so good; he will always announce your breakthrough season. The pregnant woman shows signs of a mature pregnancy and approaching delivery: Lightening, braxton hicks contractions, cervical changes, bloody show, nesting instinct, increased vaginal discharge, water breaking, stronger, more regular contractions, backache, loss of mucus plug, dilation of the cervix.

You can't ignore those expressions and signs unless you are spiritually numb, depressed, or prayerless. I am talking here of course about your spiritual signs for your breakthrough. Has the Lord shown you signs that it is your season of breakthrough and delivery? Ask him, position yourself, and prepare because joy comes in the morning.

It's your moment of great breakthrough and it is NOW in Jesus' name. Amen! I know for myself it is my time; the Lord has been speaking to me A LOT about it. The blessings of the Lord shall transform me from one state to another, elevate me from pit to palace, from hiddenness to glory, and at that time, I will have to reveal to you it is me because you won't recognize me because the Lord has done great and magnificent deeds for me.

By sowing into Healed Nations Ministries, you are sowing into a breakthrough ground. Make a donation!

God bless you
Tony Francis

Let's keep the conversation going, share your precious opinion in the comment section below.

What God is Saying To You For May 2024? Listen

If this ministry is a blessing to you and you're feeding on it, pray about sowing your best seed this month! Also, pray about joining our WhatsApp prophetic group for daily activations. Learn more!

There is Hope For Your Nation

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-19

Elijah proclaimed to King Ahab that there would be neither dew nor rain in Israel except at his word. This declaration came as a consequence of the wickedness and idolatry prevalent in the kingdom under Ahab's rule. Prophet Elijah knows his bible; he read about the severe consequences of forsaking God's worship and falling into idolatry.

“Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you.” – Deuteronomy 11:16-17

As long as God remains your source, you remain under his covering and blessings' canopy. It is that simple! God revealed to his people in Deuteronomy 11:16-17 that forsaking him would shut up the heavens and prevent rain, leading to famine, death, and destruction of lives. We understand judgments as bad, but judgment is a good thing because it signals to us where we are spiritually and where we are heading. It is God's mercy for us to notice judgments! We don't even deserve to see his judgments at all. He is a merciful God who always wants to save those who perish. But again, we understand judgment in the wrong way! I will explain to you this before revealing to you the great hope we have to shift our nations back to LIFE and blessings.

I don't see judgment as an event in time when God sees us behaving badly and then he opens the heaven and throws a judgment to teach us a lesson. Most people see God through their lens of anger and misconception of his goodness and wisdom. God's judgments don't work like that in my opinion! I told you earlier, that it is God's mercy for us to reveal judgment to help us navigate back to him and LIFE.

How many lives were saved because their body/health signaled to them something visible that we call symptoms? Maybe someone eats unhealthily all the time but suddenly (it's not sudden, it is an accumulation) that person manifests outward symptoms signaling to him or her that they are doing something wrong inwardly that is unplugging them from life, health, and protection and leading to death, doom, and gloom. THAT WAS A GOOD THING, right? TO SEE IT.

I see God's judgments like that. We are doing something wrong, not according to his nature, word, and will, and then we see the rotten fruits of it and we call it judgment. OH GOD IS JUDGING ME because I did this and that! STOP it silly. God loves you, and it is his mercy that he is revealing to you that you are on the wrong path and he wants you to repent and reroute. Don't you love it when your GPS shows you are going in the wrong direction? If you are sensitive enough and I AM SURE WE ARE ALL SENSITIVE TO OUR GPS, we will respond and engage immediately to correct our paths saving us from all kinds of troubles. No sane person would say, oh wow, my GPS is judging me for going the wrong way, for doing my own will. Your GPS is programmed to help you stay on track, and the signals, voices, and beeps (the judgment) are to help you notice this quickly! Oh judgment is good now that you are seeing it the right way!

God's people lost it, from King Ahab to all the nation, they forsook God and worshiped idols and wrong ideologies. That famine was good! It was an alarming signal trumpeting to the nation that they are no longer connected to blessing. God wants them connected again! That's why he had Elijah proclaim “the judgment” sounding the alarm, giving his people an opportunity to see it as it is and go for repentance to connect back to LIFE because you are made for LIFE, and everything will beep and signal to tell you otherwise.

The judgment reveals to you the wickedness of sin because sin in nature is deceiving and “promises” you a good life. Judgement is God's mercy allowing us to see the truth of the matter.

Let's go back to the opening verse:

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-18

Ahab, the deceived, accused Elijah of causing trouble to Israel by judging them for drought and famine. Elijah was just a spokesman for God; he didn't do it. Elijah was for Israel and not against it; he was a prophet for this reason: to establish truth and bring protection and deliverance. But Ahab lost his mind to deception because he worshipped idols and stopped seeing the truth and who was with him or against him (Romans 1). This happens when we sin; we harden! So Elijah told him it is not me who brought this on Israel but you and your father's house have because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed Baals. Let's also remember that Omri, King Ahab's father, was also a wicked King and followed this path too.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” – Proverbs 14:34

So God has a solution to this; he wants to SAVE! We know what happens next on Mount Carmel; the solution was presented to Israel.

God demonstrated himself because of ONE man (the Church owes it to people), and the whole of Israel worshipped God again and forsook Baal and slew their demonic prophets, and rain came back! The economy shifted in a day, and life was preserved. But King Ahab DIDN'T REPENT when we continue reading the story, he stayed in alliance with Jezebel. So why would God lift the curse off of the Land?

Elijah said to Ahab that he and his father's house were the reason they brought disaster to Israel. But on Mount Carmel, we see that only the people of Israel repented and not King Ahab and his household who were in leadership. The problem was with Ahab, and Ahab didn't repent on Mount Carmel. Why would God restore the nation to blessing?

I think I understand two things here. God can bring life to a nation if the leadership aligns with him, but if the leadership remains wicked and doesn't want to repent and change the laws and honor God, the Lord still wants to save and have mercy on the people and the land, so he would visit the people of the nation and deal with them to repent. In this story, ALL ISRAEL on Mount Carmel worshipped Jehovah again, but the King of Israel remained wicked, and God saw that BIG and for their repentance overrode the wickedness of the King and restored the land. “When ALL the people saw this, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God!”

If kings and queens of your nations are wicked and don't want to repent, the Church can and must invest anyway in the people of the nation by leading them to repentance through crusades, evangelism, etc. disciplining everyone! This path is what I believe the Church is heading toward.

Revival is coming to the land; people will repent, and we will see God blessing and healing the land again.

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” – Acts 3:19


God bless you
Tony Francis

Let's continue this conversation below in the comment section… What's on your mind?