Tag Archive for: march 2024

Wisdom For Divine Decisions: Prophetic Word For March 2024 By Tony Francis

What is the Holy Spirit saying for you for March 2024 PLUS a word of knowledge! Listen & share with others! God bless you.

Prophetic Word For The Month of March 2024

Hey everyone, I'm thrilled to share what I received during my prayer time with the Lord for March 2024. Isn't it incredible and beautiful how God renews each day, month, and year, offering us new beginnings, mercies, and specific blessings for each appointed time? Who else cares for us like the Lord does?

Here's what I believe the Holy Spirit is conveying to us for March 2024 in Jesus' name: it's a month of OWNERSHIP! The anointing of possessing things is upon us. Some will acquire their homes, while others may gain ownership of businesses, and so forth. What seemed challenging to own before, you'll MARCH into this month, possessing the land in Jesus' name. Everywhere you turn, blessings abound! It's springtime, with fruits and flowers blooming. Some will reclaim ownership of themselves after enduring cycles of torment, bondage, battles, addictions, depression, worry, and anxiety. It's a favorable month to reclaim your DIVINE HEALTH in Jesus' name.

I also sense that there are GIVERS among us. Many will give generously, and it's not limited to monetary gifts. There's a divine release to GIVE, GIVE & GIVE, why? Because in spring, the ground is fertile for sowing seeds, and you'll be guided by the Spirit to sow many seeds that will return to you as a bountiful harvest. So, be led by the Spirit in Jesus' name!

“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” Malachi 3:10-12. If this ministry is a blessing to you and is feeding you, we appreciate your generous giving:

God bless you,
Tony Francis