Demonic Alert: Friday August 2, 2024

"A demonic gathering for counsel will take place, God’s angels are watching."Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

Divine Alert: Tuesday August 6, 2024

"Jesus will meet with the Father, and the saints of Heaven will behold it." Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

Divine Alert: Friday August 9, 2024

"A release of a spiritual substance into the visible realm (the earth) will occur, which is the discerning of spirits. Many believers will receive it during prayer times, both individually and corporately." Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

Demonic Alert: Monday August 12, 2024

"The devil’s chariots and army will move to defile the momentum of holiness that God’s people are holding onto. It will be a time to STAND firm."Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

Divine Alert: Thursday August 15, 2024

"Some wounded warriors will rise, cleansed and stronger than before, learning lessons and groaning for more holiness. Some will share their testimonies for the glory of God."Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

Divine Alert: Sunday August 18, 2024

"A major shift and breakthrough will take place in the heavenly realms. On this day, the saints will receive answers with joy. Have you been waiting for God to answer your prayers?"Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

Divine Alert: Tuesday August 20, 2024

"I see many believers ascending to the presence of Jesus during their devotion time. What they SEE will be written in their book(s) of assignments. Don’t miss your devotion this day! Pleasant experiences await."Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

Demonic Alert: Thursday August 22, 2024

"I see the world’s map, and I hear the word DANGER. It could signify an earthquake, flood, war, or fear. As the Church, we have to launch into powerful intercession to stop it."Would you like to join Healed Nations Ministries' Checkdate community today for global intercession in response to this prophetic alert? Checkdate.healednations.comTony Francis CEO

🔥 Do You Want to Pray For This Alert? Join The Checkdate Community Prayer Wall

This prophetic alert was given to Tony Francis by the Holy Spirit during prayer this month. Your prayers, carrying the authority of Jesus Christ, can make a historic difference! Join the Checkdate community by typing your intercession below and let others around the world agree with you (Matthew 18:19). Share this with a prayer warrior, and together, let’s empower Yeshua’s kingdom on earth and cancel the demonic for good.

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