“The Holy Spirit wants to touch the Bride of Jesus and invade meetings. Demons are standing at the doors of those meetings with established doctrines that hinder the moving of the Holy Spirit. Cry out for God’s mercy to untwist spiritual understanding. Welcome the Holy Spirit.”
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Tony Francis CEO
Abba Father, I stand united in prayer touching and agreeing for the loosing of all bonds on spiritual understanding. Father in heaven send Your holy fire upon the heads of all demonic principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Send Your holy fire on the spirit of confusion and impurity. Free Your children from every false doctrine and every false way. Send the anointing to break the yoke of bondage. Loose Your Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding as You did for Daniel in the days of old. Holy Spirit of the living God testify of His truth in Your children and to the nations. All the glory honor and praise be to You and You alone. So let it be according to Your established word and covenant. In the name of Jesus. Amen Amen Amen
Amen! We agree! That was awesome and powerful. Thanks for contributing to the Bride of Jesus today. God bless you back.