About The Author


I am Tony Francis, the author of Healed Nation. I am so glad you are here because I created this blog to deliver to you the powerful prophetic word of the Lord that will heal you and empower your life greatly.

I am 31 years old and I am a senior in visual communication for more than 9 years of experience. I love design and web development. I love writing and I have many eBooks. I love the prophetic!


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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRb769P50IQ&w=390&h=250]

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A Real Prophet – Ebook / PDF Download by Tony Francis

A Real Prophet E-Book

The Great Rewards of Welcoming Prophets & the Prophetic Today

Author: Tony Francis
Price: $ 5.5
Pages: 40
Format: PDF

This book may not be a popular message everyone wants to read, but what is popular to you may not be popular to Heaven. I love this message that Tony wrote and I can’t wait for you to grab this book and let the rich truth in it transforms your life, your church, and the world.Give ears to what My Holy Spirit is saying and be in a mode of prayer to bring these words to life. There is nothing that I designed for my church that is not of great use and benefit.

Prophets are great vessels of blessing! They are often resisted and not welcomed because of pride and the non-teachable spirit.

But blessed is he who receives whom I send.

The Lord

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