Kent Mattox Prophecy For 5785 and 2025: Entering a Season of Abundance & Wealth Transfer

The Sound of Abundance

This head of the year carries a theme of “battling for the high places,” but I believe the Holy Spirit is highlighting a specific high place: the high place of abundance. Let me share a scripture with you:

“Then Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundance of rain.'” (1 Kings 18:41)

It's striking that Elijah, the same prophet who declared a drought, now proclaims an abundance of rain. We've been through a season of preparation, a time of tightening our belts, as Chuck prophesied. I remember that word clearly; it coincided with the Lord speaking to me personally about a new season of resourcing.

This time of limitation, of learning to make do, has been essential. Deuteronomy 8:16-18 reminds us that God led Israel through the wilderness to humble and test them for their ultimate good. He provided manna, just enough to sustain them.

I believe the Church has been in a similar wilderness, a time of testing and refining. But the greatest test is yet to come: the test of abundance. The Lord showed me this clearly. It's easy to stay faithful in lack; abundance brings its own set of challenges.

Emerging from the Wilderness

We are emerging from this wilderness season into a place of overflowing provision. Years ago, the Lord spoke to me about discipline. I initially misunderstood, thinking I was being corrected for past mistakes. But the Lord clarified:

“Discipline is not necessary for what you've done in the past that's wrong. Actually, discipline is for preparation for the future of what you're going to do.”

It's like resistance training; it prepares us for greater strength and endurance. We have been in a season of spiritual resistance training, preparing us for the abundance that is coming.

This abundance will manifest in many ways: increased influence, greater anointing and power, and overflowing resources to accomplish God's will. We may have felt limited, but God is bringing us out into a wide-open space of provision.

Breaking Free from Limitation

I want to share a personal testimony about how this shift has been unfolding in my own life. We recently completed a 14-year building project here at Wordalive International Outreach. It was a long and challenging journey, and we ended up with a significant amount of debt.

Rumors circulated that we had built outside of God's will. While I knew in my heart we had followed His leading, the financial burden weighed heavily on me. I cried out to the Lord, asking for clarity and direction. His response was profound:

“I put you in debt so that I could limit you and discipline you so that you only do what I want you to do. Because if you had plenty of resources in this season, you would do a lot of things that may appear good, but would not be my plan or my will.”

He was limiting me to keep me focused on His perfect plan. He reminded me of Joseph, whose feet were bound in fetters while the word of the Lord tried him. This season of limitation was a time of testing and refining.

The Lord then led me to Psalm 66:12:

“For you, O God, have tested us; you have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; you laid affliction on our backs; you have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us out to a wealthy place.”

This verse resonated deeply. We have been tested and tried, but God is bringing us out into a place of abundance. He then gave me further revelation about the phrase “men riding over our heads.” He said, “That's debt. That's limited resources.”

But now, He is lifting our heads! Psalm 3 declares, “But you, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” And Psalm 27:6 proclaims, “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me.”

This is a season of elevation and victory! Deuteronomy 28:12 promises, “The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.”

Declaring Abundance

I believe we have crossed a threshold into a new era of abundance. It's time to shift our mindset from scarcity to overflowing provision. 2 Corinthians 9:8 assures us that God is able to make all grace abound toward us, that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

This isn't just about having enough; it's about having more than enough to be a blessing to others. I see a wealth transfer coming, where the wealth of the wicked is released into the hands of the righteous. God will birth businesses and release creative ideas that will generate wealth and expand His Kingdom globally.

As we step into 5785, let's declare together that we will be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Let's sow seeds of first fruits, believing for a harvest of abundance. Let's pray for debts to be canceled and for God to resource us beyond our wildest dreams.

The sound of abundance is filling the air. This is the time to ask for rain! Let's embrace this new season with faith and expectancy, knowing that God is ready to pour out His blessings upon us.

By Kent Mattox

Note: Kent Mattox didn't submit this article to our website. We saw a video of him and wanted to feature his confirming prophetic word for 5785 that the Lord gave Tony Francis, too. You can read it here: “Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer” Read more

The Year of Wealth Transfer & God’s Glory: A Prophetic Word for 5785 By Prophet Tomi Arayomi

A New Year, A New Light

Rosh Hashanah 5785 marks not just a new year but a new era. This is not merely a year of exposure but a year of the consequences of light shining. The Lord is calling His Church to prepare for a coming wealth transfer and a move of His glory, unlike anything we have seen before.

The Difference Between Anointing and Glory

For years, the Church has operated under the anointing, ministering to the brokenhearted and the captive. But God is calling us to a higher dimension, the realm of His glory. The anointing addresses the consequences of the fall, providing healing and comfort. Glory, however, accesses God's creative power, His first office. It's time for the Church to rise and shine, to move beyond victimhood and into its divine nature.

Kings Will Come to You

As we step into the light of God's glory, a paradigm shift is taking place. No longer will we be sent out; instead, they will come to us. Nations will come to our light, and kings to the brightness of our dawn. This is a sign of respect, honor, and promotion in the spirit.

Living Under the Right Light

God has given us three dimensions of light: the light of His glory, the light of the sun, and the light of the moon. The sun and the moon were created for signs, seasons, and seconds, but the body of Christ is not meant to live by time constraints. We are meant to live in the realm of God's glory, where there is no time, only a movement towards eternity.

The Dangers of the Sun and Moon

The enemy has set up altars against the Church, using the sun and moon to strike God's people. These celestial bodies can be manipulated by those who practice witchcraft and sorcery, influencing human behavior and causing chaos. But God promises protection to those who dwell in His secret place.

Breaking Free from Lunar and Solar Influence

Many of us are living under the influence of the sun and moon, subject to time and chance. Like Solomon, we may accumulate wealth and wisdom but still find ourselves in a state of vexation and anxiety. It's time to break free from these limitations and step into the realm of God's glory, where we can operate outside of regulated seasons and times.

Joseph's Covenant of Wealth

Joseph provides an example of someone who operated in the realm of glory. He had a dream where the sun, moon, and stars bowed down to him, signifying his dominion over time and seasons. God established a Rosh Hashanah covenant with Joseph, which led to his economic prosperity and leadership over the nation.

Joshua's Command Over Time

Joshua also demonstrated authority over the celestial bodies when he held the sun and moon in their place until he had completed a battle. This is a picture of the power that God wants to give His Church in this new season. We will move outside of signs, seasons, and seconds, operating in a realm where we can break the laws of time and nature.

A Quantum Leap into Glory

The realm of God's glory is a quantum leap that allows us to circumvent the laws of time, nature, and physics. We can accelerate our progress and achieve things that would normally take years of study and effort. This is the realm where miracles happen, where the impossible becomes possible.


This Rosh Hashanah, let us choose to live under the light of God's glory. Let us break free from the limitations of the sun and moon and step into our divine destiny. The Lord is releasing His glory upon the earth, and those who are prepared will experience a wealth transfer and a move of His Spirit like never before.

By Prophet Tomi Arayomi

Note: Tomi Arayomi didn't submit this article to our website. We saw a video of him and wanted to feature his confirming prophetic word for 5785 that the Lord gave Tony Francis, too. You can read it here: “Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer”

The Gospel in it’s simplicity

The call to spread the gospel is a fundamental responsibility of every Christian. The Apostle Paul poignantly raises critical questions in Romans 10:14-15: *“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”* These inquiries emphasize the urgency of our mission. The Great Commission, as recorded in Matthew 28:19, commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, highlighting that sharing the gospel is not merely an option but a divine mandate we must obey. Yet, in today’s world, we encounter a troubling trend where various gospels proliferate, often overshadowing the true message of redemption that Christ preached.

In our contemporary context, many individuals present their own versions of the gospel, often focusing on prosperity, material possessions, and fulfilling the desires of the masses. This so-called prosperity gospel diverts attention from the core message of Christ and creates a distorted view of salvation. The urgency to understand the true gospel has never been more pressing, as we must return to the foundational truths that Christ preached to both the Jews and Gentiles—truths that emphasize the necessity of repentance and redemption.

To present the gospel simply, we must first acknowledge the fundamental problem of sin, which disrupted the perfect relationship between humanity and God. From the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, as recorded in Genesis, sin entered the world, leaving humanity in a state of depravity. This separation from God highlights that man, inherently sinful, cannot save himself. Romans 3:23 states, *“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”* underscoring our collective need for salvation. The reality is stark: without divine intervention, humanity faces eternal condemnation and the wrath of God.

Yet, amidst this dire situation, we find the profound love and mercy of God. Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us that *“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”* God, in His justice and mercy, does not abandon us in our sin but actively seeks to reconcile us to Himself. This reconciliation came at a tremendous cost: the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus Christ. As Paul explains in Romans 5:8, *“But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”* Through this act of unparalleled love, our transgressions were laid upon Christ, who bore the punishment we deserved.

In this divine exchange, God provided a means for humanity to be justified and made righteous. The blood of Jesus washed away our sins, restoring the broken relationship between God and man. Through faith in Christ, we receive forgiveness and a renewed standing before God. This restoration emphasizes that God invites us to respond with urgency; we must acknowledge our sinfulness and place our faith in Jesus, believing in His resurrection. Romans 10:9 states, *“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”*

In conclusion, presenting the gospel in its simplicity is a call to communicate the profound truths of sin, redemption, and reconciliation. It challenges us to strip away the distractions of modern interpretations and return to the heart of Christ’s message. As we embrace the Great Commission, let us not be swayed by the myriad of gospels that seek to dilute the truth but instead proclaim the authentic gospel of redemption. This is our sacred calling: to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a world desperately in need of hope and salvation. Let us remain faithful to our mission, trusting that through our obedience, many will hear and respond to the life-changing message of the gospel.

By Wilson Loidimu Lenantare
Karatina, Nyeri

What’s the Holy Spirit Saying for October 2024?

It is a time for escalated peace! Listen to what the Lord says for October 2024 and share it with your loved ones! We also encourage you to read the word of the Lord for 5785 / 2025 as the new biblical year starts on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024. Click here to read!