What’s Holy Spirit Saying to us for September 2024?

Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? This month's prophetic word from Tony Francis is for you! September 2024 is a time for renewal and breaking free from mental strongholds. In this prophetic word, you'll discover how God is dealing with the enemies of your mental health, why September is a powerful month for overcoming anxiety, depression, and negative thought patterns, and a beautiful vision of sanity and peace being released. You'll also learn to claim your breakthrough and share your testimony. Don't wait—listen now and be encouraged by God's love, power, and sound mind for you. P.S. You can send your healing testimonies at contact.healednations.com.

What is the Holy Spirit Saying to the United States of America?

Long before Jesus Christ resurrected Lazarus from the dead after four days, Jesus was already a friend of Lazarus, and nothing could take away that bond. This is the same kind of relationship between the Lord and America. America's death, decay, chaos, and confusion cannot sever the realm of friendship between her and Jesus. Your friendship remains!

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

The relationship between America and the Lord is very special; not many are called friends of Jesus. Friends have benefits and special favors, you know. A covenant in friendship is different from other kinds of relationships. Take, for example, David and Jonathan in the Old Testament.

America will indulge in the benefits of her friendship with Yeshua! This is not a fleeting friendship; it has been there for a long, long time. Jesus holds on to these kinds of relationships.

I strongly sense that the Lord will wipe away the shame from America—its culture, its people, and the Church of America. Shame is on Jesus' table now; it is His priority! I can't be a friend to someone and bring shame to them—I refuse that. I aim to glorify my friends, the dear ones. Yeshua is the Glory and the Lifter of America's head!

As the USA turns back to Jesus, glory will begin to be restored to her. Like Nebuchadnezzar, who was gloriously restored after years of shame and being dethroned, the Word of God says that Nebuchadnezzar's latter days were greater than the former, and God moved mightily after He restored him because he looked up and acknowledged the God of Heaven. (See Daniel 4:34-37)

Will you look up again, America, to Jesus? Your greatness in servanthood began on the Rock of Ages, and God wants to restore that. I see a great fiery move of the Holy Spirit among the young people in America, and this move is beyond anything compared to Azusa and beyond.

Glory to every sector, area, and system in America, God's friend!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

Feel free to pray for America in the comments below and share your prophetic revelations!

Divine Weight Loss Made Simple

We all have struggled with weight gain at some point in our lives, some a little, others a lot. Fat is an enemy that all humanity is waging war against. We have even forged all kinds of weapons against Fat, but sometimes it seems that Fat believes in God and I imagine it decreeing: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” It is funny, right? but not really, because many feel that weight gain is this impossible giant to defeat and fat is more stubborn than hell.

Some were discouraged in their journey of beating fat and being restored to health, strength, and perfect shape, yielding to depression and the giving-up spirit because they DECREED a lifetime decree: IT DOESN'T WORK! God understands your disappointment, and suffering and He is compassionate toward you, but let me also be truthful here: if that was or is your decree, congrats, you trapped yourself in death cycles and whatever you believe for will be enforced and manifest in your life and body.

Not long ago, I had some friends visiting me and we were eating. I had some chips on my table (don't try this at home, haha), and a sister in the Lord ate a tiny amount, and immediately made a death statement after eating the chips: “The chips I ate will be fat now and will work itself to give me some weight gain.” I told her something that renewed her mind of faith and remained with her to this very day. She even reminds me of this beautiful aha moment for her. I told her, “What you declared is a death statement. Why condition your body to believe this will work against you?” Besides the fact that we should consider LIFE decisions in our eating and in everything we do, let's be pro-life for our bodies.

I know what I am saying doesn't make sense to you because God's mercy doesn't make sense either. Mercy means God sparing you an expected outcome and a bad report for your mistakes. We deserve hell, but God's mercy annihilated that because we believed in Jesus. Am I encouraging you to be reckless and stupid in your life choices? Not at all, but I invite you to consider life statements for your shortcomings when you make them.

Don't decree your death sentence with your statements and belief systems. Be pro-life for yourself and live in the mercy realm of God as you keep maturing in life choices and quality decisions.

“They (YOU) will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:18 (ESV)

Make the devil mad today and lock yourself in cycles of life instead of death, judgment, and decay!

All the worldly people think if they eat bad, they feel and look bad, and Christians have the same report, sadly. Don't think like sinners because you have privileges they don't have! God is always spilling mercy over you and making things right for you if you know how to connect with this supernatural covenant by faith.

A couple of days ago, I laid my hands on my belly and inside, it felt like a big mountain to me, literally, haha. God's word says that the last enemy to defeat is death, and I felt that the last part of my weight loss would be for my belly because this is the doctrine I grew up with—that belly fat is the hardest and most stubborn. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “This is the easy part for me and it will go faster than the other fat distributed in other parts of your body.” It seems God likes to work with the odds first, right? That Holy Spirit moment renewed my mind and faith.

Jesus is releasing mercy to you and me night and day because, in this world, we face death a lot, even with a little bit of chips we eat. We need His mercy, His life to break into our death systems and activities. God's grace doesn't encourage us to SIN but to be more holy, remember that. I have to clarify this because maybe some of you still don't get it and think I am encouraging you to go for bad habits.

This is not what I am saying here, just don't partner with death decrees even if you wronged yourself. This is what I am saying because you have the tools to go for life and stay in life!

Some things in life, like chips or fries, are obvious poison, right? But we are partaking of death from the water faucet maybe, or the air we breathe, or the ORGANIC vegetables we THINK are life-giving for us. We need God's mercy for both the obvious poisons (“chips”) we eat AND for what we consider healthy and life-giving. Of course, be mature and avoid what you know is bad. God loves it when we show responsibility according to the measure of knowledge we receive. It is healthy to steward our revelations to be entrusted with more, BUT always depend on God's mercy for life and not necessarily on the good or the bad you do.


God bless you,
Tony Francis

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