Tag Archive for: money

Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer

On Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, we start a new biblical year with the Lord, 5785.

I want to remind you that 5784 (2024) was marked as a “Kingdom Era” and the “Gates of Glory.” 5784 focused on the power of our voices in spiritual warfare to open doors of blessing and invite God's presence, as highlighted in Psalm 24. We were encouraged to be vigilant in our faith declarations to experience a new phase of revival and Kingdom authority. (Link to article). I experienced new gates of glory in my attitude, the fruit of the Spirit, and a new authority in my personal life and ministry. Have you?

As for 5785/2025, this is what I believe the Holy Spirit is showing me. The reason God reveals these things to us is that He is the Spirit of Truth, who reveals things to come to help us discern times and seasons and do something about it for His glory and to serve the earth better. I mention this because some approach prophetic words like horoscopes or in a psychic mode, thereby contaminating what is holy.

We prophesy in part, and this is what I see coming:

In 5785/2025, the spirit of control will continue escalating. It is beyond what we see and whom we blame! People are just vessels to an invisible will or wills. We think we are in control, and we are to some extent, yet the spiritual realm is involved all the time, with the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness at hand. So, it goes beyond governments, laws, or platforms of authority; it is a spirit of control, which is witchcraft.

From the beginning of time, there has been God, who partners with man through his FREE WILL and faith, and there is the devil, who oppresses and forces things upon us, which is the nature of the spirit of witchcraft. To illustrate this, let me explain what witchcraft is by nature. (Watch my free masterclass on witchcraft)

Witchcraft in its highest form is a force that blocks truth or the knowledge of God's truth by oppressing man's free will and subduing it to agree with it to allow it into the earth.

When someone goes to a witch or psychic asking them to put a spell on someone to MAKE THEM fall in love, this is witchcraft. Where is that person's free will? Now demons are involved to oppress this person against their free will. That person can still choose, but they are now under oppression, feeling they have no other choice but to love. The one casting the spell is also deceived and foolish. I would never want someone to be forced to love me; that isn't true love! True love is a communication of one's free will, like JESUS, who freely loves us and invites us to love Him back willingly!

After explaining a bit about the spirit of control and witchcraft, let's go back to the word of the Lord for 5785/2025.

The spirit of control will escalate!!! You can call it government, laws, technology, etc., but it is a spiritual war. Control is exercised by threatening a person's assets and provisions. Lebanon went through this and is still experiencing it! No Lebanese can access their funds in the banks. This is not due to a legal restriction or protecting our economy from an instant crash upon withdrawal; it is witchcraft in action—it is illegal and unjust!

This year, we will witness an escalation of this controlling spirit and the unlocking of more depths and hierarchies of these spirits of control. Where is the good news? Glad you asked. It is in the title of this word: “Wealth Transfer.”

It is a year for wealth transfer! But it will be established after a battle. God commanded the Egyptians to give back and more to His people everything they needed to leave slavery and worship Him in the wilderness. I'd rather worship the Lord in a wilderness with less than be a slave in Babel.

God wants to release wealth to His people, but He has at the top of His list those who are ready to worship Him with these assets and treasures. You may receive some too, because He loves you! But God wants to entrust His worshipers with wealth to advance His Kingdom on earth.

Those not in covenant with God will experience the suffering and oppression of the spirit of control. Let's also remember (BECAUSE WE WON'T FORGET, though we forgive) how they forced everyone to take the COVID-19 vaccines (I didn't). Control is the mark of the beast! That was not a preventive approach or precaution to save humanity though we thank them for their love, care, and efforts; but it was a spirit of control/witchcraft. That was witchcraft in the health area. This year, it could manifest in other realms and areas too! Be watchful.

If you belong to the Lord, He is your economy, and you are not under the oppression of the spirit of witchcraft. God will even use you to break this oppression off of others. So, let's say you are a Christian banker: be just, even if it costs you, for God will bless you back! Freedom is costly, and serving others in the goodness of the Lord is too!

You can pray about this prophetic word and position yourself now to take authority over what is coming, not out of fear, but out of faith and discernment of times and seasons. You can mark your soul, body, health, assets, family, house, cars, job, etc., as the Lord's and not for the spirit of control.

God is greater, and His glory on you shall be seen in the coming gross darkness. Let’s escalate in His glorious freedom as we advance in the end times and keep reaching out to a dying world crying for the Savior. Preach, Church!

We appreciate your sowing into us for this year. You never go wrong by sowing intentionally to the Lord and this ministry, declaring that you honor the Lord with your finances, and that money is not an idol for you; it is not your source—God is. Thanks for your generous sowing! You can sow prophetically too and have fun creatively by playing with numbers 57.85, 578.5, 20.25, or 202.5 or more.

Yes, I want to sow now!

You can also request the year prophetic word for 5785/2025 or your birthday year too, and we will pray for you and send you the word of the Lord.

Yes, Prophesy For Me Please.

Happy Blessed New Year in the Lord, y’all!
Tony Francis

Divine Surrender

I've been learning lately about surrendering to God. It's a weird place where I am right now, but what God is telling me to do is to surrender to Him. When thoughts in my mind are overwhelming, God is saying, “Surrender. Put your will at the cross and take mine.”

A week ago, the Lord told me, “My will and your will can co-exist, but it will limit what you get from me. The less of you in you and the more you surrender the rest to me, the more I'll be in you.” If you want to live with the fullness of grace, you'll have to give up anything that stands in your way to achieve that. So, if you want to go this far, well, you have to give up your own will to God.

God is way bigger than you can ever imagine. The visions He wants to give you are much greater than what your eyes can see. The same goes for the dreams He wants to give you, for the glory He wants to manifest in your life. So, if you depend on yourself, you'll fall short. Surrender your eyes, your mind, your whole self: body, soul, and spirit.

They always say to expand the limits of your expectations when it comes to God. But what's the difference between putting an infinite God in a small tent or in a gigantic temple? Nothing. He still doesn't fit; He's INFINITE. So don't expand anything; break those limits down! Expect God to break the limits of your expectations, for He's so good!

But as the Scriptures say, “No one has ever seen, no one has ever heard, no one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). So, does this mean that I shouldn't expect anything? Of course not, but know what to expect. Expect the result and not the way He'll do it. Expect that your financial needs will be fulfilled, not that someone will give you money. If the Holy Spirit leads you to expect a certain way, do it. But if not, then don't.

Here's one way to surrender to God: surrender your body to the Holy Spirit. When you're worshiping God, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your body moves and start moving your body as He guides you. For me, when I do this activation while dancing, I don't know what the next move is, but when the time comes, I feel what I should do, or I see myself in the spirit doing it before actually doing it. The Holy Spirit may guide you in many other ways.

Surrender your mouth by speaking in tongues, and you can also, while praying in a known language, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in your prayer and pray. But this time, same as dancing, you don't know what the next sentence or idea is, but when its time comes, you'll feel or see or you'll just know what to pray.

You can also surrender your eyes and your whole self! Surrendering your body to God is amazing, but what's more important is surrendering your way of thinking and your will to God. Your will at even daily choices! The closer you are to Him, the more you'll be able to surrender yourself to Him, especially your will.

Bachir Samaha

The Blessings from God

The true blessings come from God Almighty through our Lord Jesus Christ. The devil does not bless, he is just a kidnapper who gives you something into your hands today, but tomorrow he comes back to claim your hand! The devil’s blessings are counterfeit; they are different from those springing forth from God in His dwelling place. It is the blessing of the Lord that enriches and is peaceable, adding no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).

The Word of God does not compel us to take another path to get rich, to become famous, and to amass money by consulting a marabout, a witch doctor, or an occultist. We are supposed to be satisfied with everything God gives us because the devil is a scammer and kidnapper of human lives‼ The devil is there to kill, steal, and destroy. The devil's mission is to destroy every good gift which comes from God. He wants to add a little leaven so that the taste of the food or seed from heaven is corrupted for the glory of the devil. There is joy in the camp of the devil when Christians compete with the world for the things of the world.

Ezra Chipatiso

Changing the Culture of the Spheres of Influence through the Beatitudes

Changing the Culture of the Spheres of Influence through the Beatitudes y Lilian Schmid – Strategist and Prayer Coordinator for The Prayer Strategy Spheres of Influence International 


How can we use Jesus’ Command to “love one another” (John 13:33-34) change the 21st century culture which is affected by sin: every sphere of influence in our society has been corrupted and affected by the ungodly activities which are operating to destroy humanity. Modern life has become multi-faceted and hectic with the following spheres/domains dominating and competing for ours and our families' time, money, affections and ambitions. These spheres or domains are:

  • Business and Finance
  • Government and the Military
  • Law and Justice
  • Faith and Philosophy
  • Creative Arts
  • Education
  • Charity and Not for Profit Welfare
  • Health and Science
  • Media and Entertainment
  • Sport and Recreation

In the Old Testament God promised to mend that which had been lost in the Fall by reinstituting peace on earth. Through Ezekiel, the Lord looked forward to such restoration for his people:

“And I will make a covenant of peace with them, an everlasting covenant. I will give them their land and multiply them, and I will put my Temple among them forever. I will make my home among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (Ezek 37:26-27).

Peace will come by God’s effort. The result will be material blessing and, most importantly, a mended relationship between people and God. The prophet Isaiah brought a message similar to that of Ezekiel: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns” (Isa 52:7).  God’s peace is integrally related to his salvation, to the restoration of his reign on earth. When God saves, he will restore his kingdom so that those who live under his rightful rule will experience the fullness of his peace.

Jesus entered the world as the one who would fulfil the mission of the Suffering Servant, thus bringing divine peace. Even before Jesus was born, one of his relatives proclaimed what God was about to do: “By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79)

How the Beatitudes will Bring Change to the Spheres of Influence in Our Society

“The beatitudes reveal to us eight qualities that bring God's blessing: meekness and mercy, poorness in spirit and purity of heart, mourning and hunger, peacemaking and persecution. Jesus highlighted these to offer both encouragement and instruction on living distinctly as his followers in a world with values much different from God's. As we study these qualities and integrate them into our lives, we will receive the blessing Jesus promised to his followers then and now”.
(The Beatitudes: Developing Spiritual Character by John R.W. Stott)

Looking at the Beatitudes as a kind of ladder, an ascent, we can discover some amazing things about spirituality and its fundamental relationship to the world. The Beatitudes have intense significance in a world where many Christians want to change others and the world from the top down, through forced conformity rather than genuine conversion. The Beatitudes are the essence, the lifeblood and beating heart of authentic, ancient and living Christianity. They are (from Mt 5:3-10):

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The Beatitudes express the idea that peace comes from peacemakers who are characterised by their poverty of spirit, their ability to mourn for the world, their lack of attachments or clinging to personal rights, their hunger for the healing of the world, their extreme mercy extended even towards their worst enemies, and their purity of heart. Peacemakers, according to Christ, are the instruments who bring peace to the world because they exemplify these characteristics. Change comes from the inside and moves towards the external. Peacemakers are persecuted because they present a challenge to authority which compels from the outside but cannot penetrate the interior.

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount begins by talking about the kingdom of heaven. A kingdom has a king, subjects, a place, and the ways of the king and his kingdom. It is where this particular king is reigning. So when Jesus teaches, He is not just advocating rules or giving advice. He is talking about a place or, more accurately, a realm where the ruler is God. And what is God’s kingdom like? What is God like as a king? Who are His subjects? And what are the ways of God? You can see that Jesus speaks about all these things in the Beatitudes. We learn about who the subjects of this kingdom are: the poor in spirit, those who mourn, etc. The true King of this universe is the One who gives the kingdom, who comforts, gives the earth to His children, and so on. Jesus is telling them about the wonder and goodness of living under the reign of God. The creator of this universe is the king of every sphere of influence, Jesus is the author of these spheres and we are the witnesses to bring real changes into them by proclaiming God’s kingdom on each one of them.

How the Kingdom will manifest its Power in the Spheres

First of all Jesus is speaking about the kingdom as a present and future reality. We can truly possess the kingdom of heaven here and now on the earth. We can enjoy the truth of this at least to some extent. The people of the kingdom are blessed. The word “blessed” always implies that the one doing the blessing is God. To be blessed is to be favoured or honoured by God. “Blessed” is a passive term. The one who is blessed is receiving from God His notice and favour. We can bring blessing to others that we meet within our sphere of influence.

So who are those who are blessed in the kingdom of heaven? And why are they blessed? In looking over the Beatitudes, we are immediately struck that Jesus is saying the unexpected, to say the least! The qualities of the blessed on Jesus’ teaching are not at all what we think of when we consider those we believe to be blessed.

To be blessed is to have value as human beings from our (Government), to have good health (Health and Science), to be secure and protected (Law and Justice), have great success in one’s endeavours (Business), creative and artistic (Arts), athletic (Sport and Recreation), freedom of speech and ideas (Faith and Philosophy), rich in Knowledge (Education), helping others in need to live (Charity and Not For Profit Welfare), spreading Christian values through technology (Media). These are the qualities we tend to associate with being blessed.

Jesus brings a new dimension to human life through the Sermon on the Mount. In the Beatitudes he teaches us the quality of life that we are hungry for. Every sphere of influence needs these kingdom qualities to be proclaimed in them. The qualities He includes are actually what we would normally consider indications of someone not being blessed! The person who we naturally think is blessed is favoured to have the kingdom of heaven now and a future fullness in comfort, inheritance, satisfaction, mercy, etc. The blessing then that these people receive is not to be poor in spirit, mourning, or meek. Rather, the presence of these qualities is thought to be a sign that the person is not cursed, but actually blessed. Paradoxically in Jesus teaching one can be called blessed when they are poor in spirit because being poor in spirit is a sign that she/he is looking for the very thing God the King is giving: His kingdom. You can see that there is a connection in the message of Jesus between the person who is blessed and why they are blessed, where every person who is a witness to Christ in the Marketplace can bring a blessing to these domains or spheres.

God our King desires indeed to bless us, to bless our families, our church, our work. Through our mission we can transform our society by applying the teaching of the Beatitudes through each one of us. We can be a part of bringing the reality of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. To understand that to be blessed here and now is to find we are being made ready to receive all these things forever.

Jesus is telling us about His kingdom. We see that God greatly desires to bless His people in a full and complete way. God is not going to give sparingly – just some comfort, or a small inheritance. And what God is doing in His people now, when He is blessing them, is that He is making them able more and more to hope in, receive, long for, the very riches He is giving. If we are in Christ we are a new creation: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Co 5:17).

So as blessed people:

  • Let us be rich in God’s Kingdom who is the provider of all richness in this wor Colossians 3:16
  • Let us be comforted to be free, Jesus gave us freedom the moment he gave his life on the cross. Galatians 3:1-14
  • Let us inherit the earth because we are sons and daughter of God’s Kingdom. Psalm 2:7
  • Let us be righteous and let God’s light shine through us. Matthew 5:14
  • Let us receive mercy and grace, and be merciful to others Matthew 8:14-17
  • Let us have Jesus’ heart and receive His unconditional love to love others as He loved us. John 3:16
  • Let us be peacemakers and bring unity across the body. John 13:35
  • Let us handle persecution with perseverance; then we may understand the fullness of God’s mercy and grace. John 25:20


King of Kings

Success. Depending on who you ask, success means different things. To most people success means money or fame. To me success is reading the bible from cover to cover. I want to be spiritually wise and really know God. I want to uncover all the lies within the world. I want to know the truth. I know I’m a sinner however, I will try not to sin as much as I can. The world is full of sinful things. Music, Celebrities, Books, etc. I may only be 13 years old (almost 14 on July 23) but I will never understand atheists. Satan shows himself out in the open in today’s society, you can either choose to accept it and try to escape it or ignore it and be blinded by wickedness. 

Death. Most people are afraid of death, you see, the christian man should not fear death. If you really believed and cared for Christ, you would know that he has created the heavens for us followers of Christ. On Judgement Day, you either make it to heaven or you don't. It’s that simple. Jesus will judge on the day of Judgement, It’s his duty after all, he is the one who died for all of our sins. Although he will be judging(John 5:22), he would not be the reason if you go to Hell. God gave us all a choice. Nomatter where you come from or where you live, God gave us two options. Believe Jesus Christ died for our sins or perish in the eternal flames of Hell (Deuteronomy 30:15-20). Knowing this I now laugh in the face of death, I will never fear death and to be honest, I don’t care if I die, I know I will be united with Christ for eternity.

My Future. As a Christian I want to pursue my dreams while being able to still follow Christ. Maybe when I get older I can be a Pastor. The last thing I want to do is depart from Christ. I would give up everything before I flee from Christ. I, however, am still a normal kid, and I have a lot to learn. When I grow old and it’s time for me to retire, I pray that I will have enough to support myself and my family. I don’t need much. I want to own a ranch in a rural area. I will teach my kids about Jesus, and make sure they feel comfortable talking to me. Teenagers often get pressured to do sinful activities. I will teach my kids to be modest and grateful for whatever they get. Being a Christian means to be Christ-Like. Now I know it’s impossible to be as great as Jesus, however you can choose not to willingly sin. All I ask of my kids is to have faith in Jesus and follow the Ten-Commandments. There’s even a chance that this won't happen, Jesus might come back before I get old to take all believers, and defeat Satan once and for all. Doing so will end his reign of terror and end sin!

Following Christ. Would you rather take a long and bumpy road to glory or a short and easy road to damnation. The funny thing is, once you turn to Jesus, you realize how horrible the world is. Puppets of Satan WILL try to throw you off track. In these times, you must pray. Jesus hears all prayers and is willing to help. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Pray before you fall too deep into sin. If you follow the short road to damnation, to you sin will be normal and the world seems perfect. Until Death. God laughs at those who mock him. When a sinner who doesn’t follow Christ dies they will suffer forever, there’s no smooth-talking out of it. The question everyone needs to be asking is “Are you in the will of God?” Will Jesus say “Depart from me, I never knew you” or will he welcome you with open arms into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Some may be asking “How can I make sure that I am a follower of Christ and make it to Heaven?” This question is fairly easy to answer. There are only two steps to make sure Jesus knows you. The first step is to ACTUALLY believe with all of your heart that Jesus is King and he died for our sins. The last and harder step is to keep the Ten-Commandments. That's it. Remember, God wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and everything you do in his name will make your life better. Jesus I pray that whoever reads this, even if I don’t publish this, will get their eyes opened and the holy spirit will enter them, I hope reading this might make them a real child of God.

Prophetic Word for the month of Shevat 5783 / February 2023

Though every biblical month I get the word of the Lord, it has never become a religious routine for me, it is a divine discipline in Jesus' name. It is important and a great blessing to honor God's order and acknowledge his ways! Knowing him is eternal life. I pray that this prophetic word from our precious Lord, Yeshua, for this month will be a great blessing to you and position your faith and expectations to receive the good things he has in STORE for you.

It is so good to follow Holy Spirit to watch and read what other prophetic voices are forth-telling about this biblical and gregorian month and every other month because we prophesy in part. I believe the Lord entrusted me with this specific prophetic nugget about this month because he is highlighting it for YOU because he knows you are on my mailing list or would be visiting my website. God is awesome in his wisdom and knows how to meet with you.

I believe the precious Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is saying this about the month of Shevat 5783/ February 2023. Many of you will be traveling this month, I believe both in the natural and in the spirit. God wants to use you this month and take you to new places geographically and in the spirit realm, to new levels in him. You will not meet his precious appointed people he wants you to minister to if you stay where you are now and in the level of influence, you are in.

Many are waiting for you to show up, and minister to them by the Spirit. The man from Macedonia appeared to the apostle Paul in a vision and begged him to come over for help and Paul responded as he witnessed that from the Holy Spirit. We are not led by visions but by the Spirit! Test the spirits, break for the needs of others and be compassionate but remember to follow Holy Spirit and get the green light of grace from him. Because Holy Spirit is true love and he knows best as Kathryn Kuhlman has said, if Jesus could trust the Holy Spirit, surely I can.

Many of you are willing to dance your way up and move with Holy Spirit, yet have questions about the provision to be able to do that. Traveling costs, let's face it, and be real. PRAY, says the Holy Spirit, and I will meet your need because I want it and desire it more than you do.

Don't limit God, and don't expect him to move in a certain way or rational way to meet your provision. It is never written in the bible to ask God for money to meet the need. The word says, let your request be made known unto him and he answers. If you need a ride, don't go rational and pray clichet prayers, Lord, I need a car for transportation! Just ask him for a ride because this is your need, he may give you a car, he may have someone pick you up, or maybe he wants to translate you supernaturally in the spirit. Let God be God!

Have a blessed and happy traveling in Jesus' name and may YOU meet those precious appointed people. Jesus stopped for the Samaritan woman!

Tony Francis

If you feel led to sow into this word beginning of this month to harvest your traveling provision, feel free to do that. I am believing with you in Jesus' name. After you checkout, leave in the comment the word SHEVAT TRAVEL. Thanks for your generosity. God bless you in Jesus' name! Amen. 

Jesus Christ: The Light of the World

According to John 8:12, “Then spake Jesus again unto them saying, I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but hall have the Light of life”

The following lessons can be learned on how Jesus Christ has become the Light of the world, as proclaimed by Him, from the above passage.

1, Jesus Is The Light Of The Church

Jesus says in Revelation 1:20 that “The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lamp stands; The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands which you saw are the seven churches”.


2.  Jesus Is The Light Of The World

According to Psalm 119:105,  “Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path”.

We all need light to walk through darkness. In the world we live in, we walk through a dark forest of evil, for example, in our various places of work, in our businesses, in our homes, among our family members, friends, even in the church.

But the WORD (the Bible) can be our light to show us the way so that we do not stumble as we walk. The WORD reveals the entangling root of false values, and philosophies. Study the WORD so that you will be able to see your way clearly enough to stay on the right path.


3. Jesus Is The Light Of The Gospel

2 Corinthians 4:4 says “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the mind of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them”.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is open and reveal to all, except to those who refuse to believe. (Satan is the god of this world (age)). His work is to deceive and he has blinded those who don’t believe in Christ (as in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15). The pursuit of money, power and pleasure blinds people to the light of Christ’s gospel. The people who reject Christ and prefer their own pursuits have made Satan their god, without really realizing it.


4, Jesus Is The Light Of The Believer

According to Psalm 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

Fear is a torment. It is a dark shadow that envelops us and ultimately imprisons us within ourselves. Is there anyone among us or out there who has never experience fear before? Each one of us has been a prisoner of fear at one point in time or another, e.g., fear of the unknown (uncertainty), rejection, failure, misunderstanding, being found out, sickness, even fear of death. But we believers can overcome (conquer) fear by using the bright liberating light of the LORD who brings salvation. If we believers want to conquer fear or dispel the darkness of fear, let us remember what David said that “The LORD is my light and my salvation”. Unwavering confidence in God is the believer’s antidote for fear and loneliness.


5. Jesus Is The Light Of The Heavenly Jerusalem

Revelation 21:23 says “The City has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it, The Lamb is its light”.

The Temple, the center of God’s presence among His people, was the primary place of worship. No Temple is needed in the New City. However, because God’s presence will be everywhere, He will be worshiped throughout the City, and nothing will hinder us from being with Him, in Jesus’ Name.


6. Jesus Is The Light Of The Nations

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined” (Isaiah 9:2).

The territories of Zebulun and Naphtali represent the Northern Kingdom as a whole. These were also the territories that Jesus grew up and often ministered. It was a time of great darkness, which was why would see “a great light”. God indeed promised and sent a Light who would shine on everyone living under the shadow of death. The Light is both “Counselor” and “Mighty God”. This message of hope was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ (which we celebrate at Christmas) and the establishment of His eternal Kingdom. HE came to deliver us from our slavery to sin.


In conclusion, Jesus Christ is the Light which enlightens every person born into this world.

  • We must see Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrew 12:2)
  • He is the Light in the darkness (John 8:12)
  • He is our Lord – We must obey Him (John 13:14-15)
  • He is the Shepherd – We must follow Him (John 10:27)
  • He is our Master – We must serve Him (Matthew 23: 8-12, Romans 14:18)
  • He is the eternal destination we want to reach (1 Corinthians 9:24-25, Philippians 3:12-14)

To follow Jesus implies transformation of life, according to Luke 5:11.

Transformation of life means:

  1. Humility – Jesus was humble to the grave (John 13: 4-5)
  2. Commitment – Jesus was totally committed to the Father (John 12:23-26)
  3. Hard Work – He worked day and night (John 3:2, 4, 6)
  4. Participation – He participated of people’s sufferings (Matthew 9:36, 14:14)
  5. Love Unconditionally – Jesus is an epitome of love and He loved constantly (John 13:1, Luke 23:34).
  6. Suffering – Jesus suffered from the manger to the Cross (1 Peter 3:18)
  7. Persistence- Jesus remained persistently faithful to the end (Matthew 10:22, 24:13)


TODAY, invite Jesus Christ into your life; to become your leading Light in ALL Ways and everything that you do. Accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior, ask Him to forgive your sins and become the Master and Ruler of your soul from now on. If you have said this prayer, CONGRATULATIONS!

Now look for a Bible believing church in your neighborhood to attend and grow in the Word of God. If you already have Jesus active in your life, always tell others about Him; let them know that He alone is the Light of the World and the Only Light that leads to everlasting life in Heaven.

 God bless you



Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7

Our present world is full of misfortunes and crises. We wake up every day to a new challenge and adventure. It is terrible and tense, and its effect can not be overemphasized.

There is hardship everywhere. We hear the same news of disasters, rapes, suicides, murders, terrorism, and others every day. We ask, “Is it the end of the world?”

We are besieged by terror and dread. In spite of all the technological advances, we know that we have no solution to our problem. We realize money cannot buy life. The rich people have no peace. They have all the protection they need, yet they worry about assailants.

The poor man is also unhappy because he cannot afford the high bills and exorbitant prices of food and drugs. We are never satisfied with food, and we are not content with enough. There is no justice. There is no peace; lies and covetousness reign; the truth is trumped. And we ask, “shall there be a change or restoration of things again?” Is our world ever going to find peace again? because everything is collapsing and crushing. Our world is hastening to destruction.

Not quite long ago, the coronavirus brought the world to a halt. And there is a fear of monkeypox in the country. Is this ever going to change?

The answer is “YES.”

There is peace in this world of trouble, sorrow, hardship, and pain. There is hope in this devastated, evil-infected world. The answer and solution to our present world is Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “I have overcome the world,” the world of problems. The world of grief and anxiety, the world of terrorism and disease.

He finished it for you on that Friday afternoon when he exclaimed on the cross, “IT IS FINISHED!”

And he says, through him, we may have peace. In the world, there is tribulation. However, we shouldn't be frightened because he has overcome the world. ” -John 16:33

In this world, we will have trouble. We are guaranteed to have trouble.

And in the midst of all these uncertainties, God is reassuring us that HE IS THE ANSWER.

We have realized that science and technology DO NOT have solutions to our problems.


Try Jesus by Prayer.

When we pray, it literally means that we are telling God we're finished, therefore we cannot do what we ask ourselves. We surrender to authority and say, “God help”. The Bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ” -Philippians 4:6-7


Try Jesus by Faith.

God commands us to have faith, faith in Christ and not in ourselves. It is written, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. ” -Proverbs 3:5-6.

Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith. Everything he has said in his words is true.

Have you tried your government yet and found no solution? Try Jesus. Have you tried your country's security but still there's insecurity? Have you tried your doctor or your drugs but still can't quite get over that sickness? Have you tried everything to give yourself joy and be happy, but still there is no joy to be found? You need Jesus. Try Jesus Christ. In “the world you will have tribulations, but in Christ, there is peace for you. There is hope for the hopeless. Try Jesus!



What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5783?

I sense the delight of Yeshua in my heart for what is coming.

I even see the Lord in a vision right now flipping the calendar himself and turning it to welcome the new. I see a remnant from his people in his presence who were purged and went through so much. You are among those remnants and God is going to do exploits through you!

I see the Lord speaking with each one of his remnants in specific ways, it is like he is giving each one a specific and unique mandate for this year. I am now taken in the spirit to the instance in the bible where the roof or the ceiling was torn by faith-filled people to lower down their friend in need of a miracle. Those remnants are not just faith-filled believers, what qualifies them is the violence they have in their faith for Jesus, an aggressive faith-filled believer. Great faith & exploits will mark this year. As the world is heading toward extremism in almost everything, so shall kingdom people but not all will respond, just the remnant.

As I was looking at the year 5783, I realized that it has three odd numbers and one even and that ONE even number felt ODD to me because it stands alone. I felt the Holy Spirit is highlighting that we will see in this year the ODD, the unusual, the strange, miracles, signs, and wonders in the hands of the remnant, the violent in faith. You will be a sign for Yahweh this year. God is not calling strange people or promoting weirdness but the supernatural and the ODD will be so visible through his people. This also makes sense to me, and I can witness it even in the natural because aren’t we seeing ODD laws, a new breed of sexual beings, etc.?

In the year 5783, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so rich, so present, and so available like never before because it is the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage and nowadays not only individuals are oppressed and demonically possessed but also whole nations. God’s anointing is richly available for you to serve the earth that is groaning for FREEDOM. This year will be marked by the anointing of the Holy Spirit! Halleluiah.

I am now in the spirit standing before the throne of God and I am allowed to hear strange, big prayers, prayers that feel so new to heaven because the needs on the earth changed, and what we are dealing with nowadays is extreme, very extreme. A new level in intercession and intercessors will emerge and will allow the Spirit to pray through them what this era really needs. Those intercessors will not be intimidated by their big, new, and strange prayers because they know the Holy Spirit, follow him and know he is the one in charge of them.

Wow! I see crusades, crusades, and crusades, and even more, crusades happening in this coming year and forth. The Lord is also inviting his people to finance the kingdom, that’s why we will see the appearance of wealthy people who became abundant, it is an abundance with a purpose! Money will speak for eternity because it is used for the glory of the Lord. If you feel like going for a new business, go for it as the anointing is available for you this year and you will be among those who will bless and finance the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

I see the Holy Spirit moving among the children, like a children’s revival.


Tony Francis

  • If you are interested in requesting your YEARLY prophetic word, it is now available. On September 25, 2022, we enter 5783, the biblical year. Click here to learn more!


  • If you feel you carry a prophetic word for the body of Christ for the year 5783 and you want a platform to release it, I offer you this opportunity for free because I want to encourage prophetic voices to emerge and be visible. Click here to submit your word


  • Thank you for your generous donation to my ministry Healed Nations. Your empowerment will help me advance the Kingdom of Jesus worldwide because I am embracing this year a violent faith, the odd, and the exploits for his glory. Also, I am believing that those who will SOW that the rich anointing of the Lord will come on them this year.

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