Tag Archive for: anger

The Year of Wealth Transfer & God’s Glory: A Prophetic Word for 5785 By Prophet Tomi Arayomi

A New Year, A New Light

Rosh Hashanah 5785 marks not just a new year but a new era. This is not merely a year of exposure but a year of the consequences of light shining. The Lord is calling His Church to prepare for a coming wealth transfer and a move of His glory, unlike anything we have seen before.

The Difference Between Anointing and Glory

For years, the Church has operated under the anointing, ministering to the brokenhearted and the captive. But God is calling us to a higher dimension, the realm of His glory. The anointing addresses the consequences of the fall, providing healing and comfort. Glory, however, accesses God's creative power, His first office. It's time for the Church to rise and shine, to move beyond victimhood and into its divine nature.

Kings Will Come to You

As we step into the light of God's glory, a paradigm shift is taking place. No longer will we be sent out; instead, they will come to us. Nations will come to our light, and kings to the brightness of our dawn. This is a sign of respect, honor, and promotion in the spirit.

Living Under the Right Light

God has given us three dimensions of light: the light of His glory, the light of the sun, and the light of the moon. The sun and the moon were created for signs, seasons, and seconds, but the body of Christ is not meant to live by time constraints. We are meant to live in the realm of God's glory, where there is no time, only a movement towards eternity.

The Dangers of the Sun and Moon

The enemy has set up altars against the Church, using the sun and moon to strike God's people. These celestial bodies can be manipulated by those who practice witchcraft and sorcery, influencing human behavior and causing chaos. But God promises protection to those who dwell in His secret place.

Breaking Free from Lunar and Solar Influence

Many of us are living under the influence of the sun and moon, subject to time and chance. Like Solomon, we may accumulate wealth and wisdom but still find ourselves in a state of vexation and anxiety. It's time to break free from these limitations and step into the realm of God's glory, where we can operate outside of regulated seasons and times.

Joseph's Covenant of Wealth

Joseph provides an example of someone who operated in the realm of glory. He had a dream where the sun, moon, and stars bowed down to him, signifying his dominion over time and seasons. God established a Rosh Hashanah covenant with Joseph, which led to his economic prosperity and leadership over the nation.

Joshua's Command Over Time

Joshua also demonstrated authority over the celestial bodies when he held the sun and moon in their place until he had completed a battle. This is a picture of the power that God wants to give His Church in this new season. We will move outside of signs, seasons, and seconds, operating in a realm where we can break the laws of time and nature.

A Quantum Leap into Glory

The realm of God's glory is a quantum leap that allows us to circumvent the laws of time, nature, and physics. We can accelerate our progress and achieve things that would normally take years of study and effort. This is the realm where miracles happen, where the impossible becomes possible.


This Rosh Hashanah, let us choose to live under the light of God's glory. Let us break free from the limitations of the sun and moon and step into our divine destiny. The Lord is releasing His glory upon the earth, and those who are prepared will experience a wealth transfer and a move of His Spirit like never before.

By Prophet Tomi Arayomi

Note: Tomi Arayomi didn't submit this article to our website. We saw a video of him and wanted to feature his confirming prophetic word for 5785 that the Lord gave Tony Francis, too. You can read it here: “Prophetic Word For Year 5785/2025: Witchcraft Control & Wealth Transfer”

Life Before Birth: God’s Plan for Every Child and the Truth About Abortion

“On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived.” – Luke 2:21

I am not an expert on abortion, nor a Christian counselor in this matter, but I do have my own opinions and beliefs, which align with the Word of God. God is pro-life and commands us not to kill. However, when we decide on something—such as taking a life—we often engage in philosophical arguments, attempting to justify our actions. We create self-deceptive justifications that trap us in situations we mistakenly label as freedom and compassion.

Abortion is the act of ending the life of a human being who cannot defend themselves. In today’s world, we hear countless arguments trying to justify the termination of a conceived child. Many oppose late-term abortions because the baby is fully developed, while some accept early-term abortions, believing that the child is not yet clearly formed. However, whether it’s an early or late-term abortion, it remains an act of killing—a crime.

In Luke 2:21, the Lord named His Son Jesus BEFORE He was even conceived!!! To God, the unconceived child is already an existing being. He sees beyond the early days of conception or late-term development; He views a child as an existing entity even before conception. Now, isn't that something?

Consider the story of the prophet Jeremiah too:

“The word of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.'” – Jeremiah 1:4-5

Shall I say it again? “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!” Who forms the baby in the womb? God. “Before I formed you.” When you abort a baby, you are interrupting this miracle in progress. You are interfering with God as He forms a life inside the womb! Can you imagine entering the workshop of an artist, destroying the painting he just started creating, and convincing him to be comforted because his artwork is just in the beginning of it? You would be in jail. No one accepts that under any justification, it is still a destruction. Now what about lives, human beings, who are more than a piece of art in a workshop?

God regarded both Jesus and Jeremiah as existing beings even before they were conceived. Not only that, He had a destiny and calling planned for each of them! Isn’t that incredible?

So, if you are still attempting to reason or rationalize that abortion is not an act of killing at any phase of conception, remember that, in God's eyes, it goes beyond conception itself!

Stop deceiving yourself: “You shall not kill.”

I understand the “compassionate” justifications, like suggesting a woman should abort the baby if it is the result of rape. We all feel compassion and sorrow for raped women, but aborting a baby is still an act of killing—a crime.

Instead of taking a shortcut and acting out of anger on an innocent being who is now in the process of being formed and is not at fault, we need to seek deeper solutions. I am not here to provide those solutions, but perhaps you can share some ideas in the comments below.

For instance, what if the government funded the upbringing of this child and covered all the expenses? What if the child could be given up for adoption at birth? What if the baby could be transferred to the womb of a woman who longs for a child? IF WE ARE COMMITTED TO NOT KILLING, WE CAN DEFINITELY THINK OF SOMETHING THAT CAN EASE THE SITUATION AND SAVE THESE PRECIOUS BABIES THAT ARE FULLY FORMED BEFORE GOD EVEN BEFORE CONCEPTION.

Feel free to share this article with your church, a friend who may be misled, or even a politician still debating when to legalize the killing of a baby.

Leave your comment below or maybe your prayer!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

The Unexpected Spiritual Exposure from a Cheese Drop

You might be wondering about the title of this article and what it pertains to.

Today, I contacted a delivery service to buy some cheese for me to use in making sandwiches. I put the unopened cheese package in the fridge, planning to use it tomorrow. Later, when I went to the fridge to get something else, the cheese package fell to the floor because my sister had already opened it. I didn't expect the cheese to be consumed today, nor did I expect it to fall onto the dirty kitchen floor and be ruined.

I was angry!

In my perfectly natural and justified anger, I found myself shifting towards wrath. Pay close attention here as I explain how to discern the spirit realm. Let's call it “The Spirit Realm Made Simple!” As I mentioned, I moved from human anger to wrath, and it was a subtle, smooth transition. If you aren't sensitive to the Holy Spirit, the ways of the spirit realm, and the devices of our adversary, the devil, you might not even notice this shift. In my wrathful state, I began imagining all sorts of accusatory scenarios against the goodness of the Lord. I thought things like, “Lord, you know I prefer living alone, but you’re keeping me here with my mom and sister,” and made inner vows like, “I will never get married. I hate living with people who steal my peace and interrupt my quiet time.” These thoughts escalated to even considering quitting the ministry, which felt like a threat to God.

I asked myself, “What is this all about?” and then I asked the Holy Spirit. It was odd to be overwhelmed with such wicked and ugly thoughts. I told the Holy Spirit, “This isn’t me. It’s a privilege to serve you and your people.” I realized these thoughts were likely familiar spirits using my mind to create these negative thoughts and make me believe they were mine. I was relieved, thank God.

Here’s what happened: earlier in the day, the Holy Spirit had elevated me to new and deeper levels of power in words of knowledge and the prophetic, and I was excited about it. The devil, who spies on us—especially those in ministry—targeted me because this new level threatens him by making Jesus more real to people through my ministry. He saw me ordering cheese, possibly inspired my sister to open the package, and positioned it so that it would fall when I opened the fridge. The devil was watching my every move. When the cheese fell, my anger was a natural response. But then the devil overlapped those emotions with demonic wrath, making the transition so smooth that I didn’t notice. His schemes don’t always involve big falls after grand events; sometimes, it’s the small things that ruin the garden. Catch those little foxes!

How do you discern the spirit realm at work within you? Your mind is the battlefield. Pay attention! It’s like giving yourself an out-of-body experience to observe and process what’s happening without emotional involvement. I stopped and asked the Holy Spirit why I was in a rage instead of just angry. Why was I having such accusatory thoughts against the Lord’s goodness? Usually, you can expose the devil when your thoughts suddenly rise to accuse Jesus in a surprising, impulsive way. Or if you have nagging urges to do something terrible, like hurting someone, attempting suicide, or watching pornography, know that a demonic influence is active.

Familiar spirits can take people out and make them do their wicked will. How often have you adopted sick identities because familiar thoughts tormented you until you believed them? How many TikTokers have done dark things online because the devil kept telling them to in their thoughts, feelings, and imagination until they believed it was them?

Not every thought or feeling that comes to you is yours.

How many times have you felt depressed, oppressed, or possessed and started medicating while God was calling you to intercession, not depression? Many intercessors become mentally ill because they can't figure out that what they are sensing isn't theirs.

The cheese wasn’t wicked 🙂 but it caught the demonic rats today!

You won’t make it in life or your daily activities if you don’t grow in discernment. The spiritual realm can overwhelm you.

It’s time to learn the ways of God, man, and the devil. Stop just playing church, enjoying worship, and listening to sermonettes, and go home.

God bless you
Tony Francis

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Porn is an “I Don’t Care” Spirit

It always intrigued me when I read in Hebrews 12:16-17 that the Holy Spirit put the careless act of Esau, who sold his birthright for red stew, and sexual immorality in one verse!

“See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.” Hebrews 12:16-17 (NIV)

In Genesis 25, Jacob asked his brother to sell him his birthright, and this is the mindset of carelessness and godlessness that Esau was entertaining that cost him everything. Esau said to his brother in response to this meal exchange:

“Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”

Let's examine closely if this mindset is true or a lie. Was Esau going to die? Not at all, he was just famished and was around a prepared aromatic meal. Plus, Esau is a hunter. It was never the pressure of dying that drove him to sell his birthright; he detested it from the beginning. It meant nothing to him, and an opportunity like that exposed what was already in his heart! But we like to blame God.

Wow, Hebrews 12:16-17 is some verse: “See that no one is sexually immoral or is godless like Esau who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son.”

The Holy Spirit considers sexual immorality the same as carelessness. Porn is an “I don't care” spirit, give me the desires of my heart right now. We also give it excuses: I am stressed, I was abused, those are my hormones, I am dying anyway, everybody is living this lifestyle, God will keep forgiving me because “I'm weak,” you name it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you name the sinful desires of your heart. Why are you doing what you are doing? For Esau, he detested his birthright; it meant nothing to him from the beginning. When you are tempted sexually, what mindset is legalizing this to you?

Porn is this careless spirit. I don't care if I get naked with a stranger or just see this erotic movie, imagine wrong things, submit my organs to uncleanness, or consider other bodies as cheap and available to me if I want them.

Porn is an “I don't care” spirit. Just one more masturbation, it won't hurt, it is not the end of the world. Just one more one-night stand, I am a man, God understands this. What lie are you entertaining? What are the roots of your carelessness toward God, your own body, and others?

“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:21-28).

It is always about an exchange!!!

Esau exchanged the highest glory for a lesser one, filling his stomach, and maybe, as the scripture says, their bellies are their gods. Maybe that was Esau's god! We all face exchanges, especially under pressure; when you are facing them, what is going on really? Are you aware that you are selling the Holy for the unclean, Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?

One more thing that caught my attention reading Romans 1 is that sexual immorality is called lust, but when it is a gay activity, it adds the word shameful lust to it. Shame is added! You are not for shame but for glory in Jesus' name.

I trust the Holy Spirit, who can sanctify you—spirit, soul, and body! You shall know YOUR truth, and it shall set you free.

Porn is an altar of worship; it is where you offer the expensive you cherish most. What are you offering each time you lust? And remember, being tempted with it is not wrong until you embrace the sin. Jesus was tempted with everything without sin. But when you lust and engage in sexual immorality and shameful activities of lust, what are you manifesting? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be!

I've discovered so far in the realm of the soul that freedom is very tied to knowing the truth of the matter. It is not just a prayer away. The Holy Spirit will journey with you to remove the grave clothes you are wearing because you are a son and daughter of life.

Don't give up because today you are in a place of progress, even though it doesn't feel like the fullness of your breakthrough yet. You are advancing. I am trusting God that your body will become a holy living sacrifice for him and nothing else.

You will come to a place of fearing God and knowing and WANTING him and his things more than any other thing in life!

Tell the “I don't care” spirit, I DO CARE! Live worthy.

God bless you,
Tony Francis

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Pride VS Humility: What is the Difference?

I can't forget Rick Joyner's book “The Final Quest.” When I read it many years ago, I was glad it marked the beginning of my walk with the Lord. It significantly impacted my life, taught me a lot, and stirred questions and hunger in many aspects. Rick recounts numerous visionary encounters with the Lord, the spirit realms, angels, and demons in his book.

One particular encounter that astonished me was about the army of pride. Here's a passage that underscores the power of humility and being clothed in the grace of Yeshua:

“I was pondering how I was learning as much by descending the mountain as I had by climbing it when the noise from the battlefield drew my attention. By now there were thousands of the mighty warriors who had crossed the plain to attack the remnant of the enemy horde. The enemy was fleeing in all directions, except for the one division, Pride. Completely undetected, it had marched right up to the rear of the advancing warriors, and was about to release a hail of arrows. It was then that I noticed the mighty warriors had no armor on their backsides. They were totally exposed and vulnerable to what was about to hit them.

Wisdom then remarked, “You have taught that there was no armor for the backside, which meant that you were vulnerable if you ran from the enemy. However, you never saw how advancing in pride also made you vulnerable.”

I could only nod in acknowledgment. It was too late to do anything, and it was almost unbearable to watch, but Wisdom said that I must. I knew that the kingdom of God was about to suffer a major defeat. I had felt sorrow before, but I had never felt this kind of sorrow.

To my amazement, when the arrows of pride struck the warriors they did not even notice. However, the enemy kept shooting. The warriors were bleeding and getting weaker fast, but they would not acknowledge it. Soon they were too weak to hold up their shields and swords; they cast them down, declaring that they no longer needed them. They started taking off their armor, saying it was not needed anymore either.

Then another enemy division appeared and moved up swiftly. It was called Strong Delusion. Its members released a hail of arrows and they all seemed to hit their mark. Just a few of the demons of delusion, who were all small and seemingly weak, led away this once great army of glorious warriors. They were taken to different prison camps, each named after a different doctrine of demons. I was astounded at how this great company of the righteous had been so easily defeated, and they still did not even know what had hit them.

I blurted out. “How could those who were so strong, who have been all the way to the top of the mountain, who have seen the Lord as they have, be so vulnerable?”

“Pride is the hardest enemy to see, and it always sneaks up behind you,” Wisdom lamented. “In some ways, those who have been to the greatest heights are in the greatest danger of falling. You must always remember that in this life you can fall at any time from any level.”

“Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall,” I replied. “How awesome these Scriptures seem to me now.”

“When you think you are the least vulnerable to falling is in fact when you are the most vulnerable. Most men fall immediately after a great victory,” Wisdom lamented.

“How can we keep from being attacked like this?” I asked.

“Stay close to me, inquire of the Lord before making major decisions, and keep that mantle on. Then the enemy will not be able to easily blind side you as he did those.”

I looked at my mantle. It looked so plain and insignificant. I felt that it made me look more like a homeless person than a warrior. Wisdom responded as if I had been speaking out loud.

“The Lord is closer to the homeless than to kings. You only have true strength to the degree that you walk in the grace of God, and ‘He gives His grace to the humble.' No evil weapon can penetrate this mantle, because nothing can overpower His grace. As long as you wear this mantle you are safe from this kind of attack.”

I then started to look up to see how many warriors were still on the mountain. I was shocked to see how few there were. I noticed, however, that they all had on the same mantle of humility. “How did that happen?” I inquired.

“When they saw the battle you just witnessed, they all came to me for help, and I gave them their mantles,” Wisdom replied.

“But I thought you were with me that whole time?”

“I am with all who go forth to do the will of My Father,” Wisdom answered.

“You're the Lord!” I cried.

“Yes,” He answered. “I told you that I would never leave you or forsake you. I am with all of My warriors just as I am with you. I will be to you whatever you need to accomplish My will, and you have needed wisdom.” Then He vanished.

End of Passage.

Pride made Lucifer fall from the glory and humility elevated us to be God Almighty's royal Sons and Daughters. Humility did that because we received the Lord's unmerited grace for salvation! Never forget that.

We don't worship humility; we worship JESUS always, and he makes us humble!

God bless you
Tony Francis

There is Hope For Your Nation

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-19

Elijah proclaimed to King Ahab that there would be neither dew nor rain in Israel except at his word. This declaration came as a consequence of the wickedness and idolatry prevalent in the kingdom under Ahab's rule. Prophet Elijah knows his bible; he read about the severe consequences of forsaking God's worship and falling into idolatry.

“Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you.” – Deuteronomy 11:16-17

As long as God remains your source, you remain under his covering and blessings' canopy. It is that simple! God revealed to his people in Deuteronomy 11:16-17 that forsaking him would shut up the heavens and prevent rain, leading to famine, death, and destruction of lives. We understand judgments as bad, but judgment is a good thing because it signals to us where we are spiritually and where we are heading. It is God's mercy for us to notice judgments! We don't even deserve to see his judgments at all. He is a merciful God who always wants to save those who perish. But again, we understand judgment in the wrong way! I will explain to you this before revealing to you the great hope we have to shift our nations back to LIFE and blessings.

I don't see judgment as an event in time when God sees us behaving badly and then he opens the heaven and throws a judgment to teach us a lesson. Most people see God through their lens of anger and misconception of his goodness and wisdom. God's judgments don't work like that in my opinion! I told you earlier, that it is God's mercy for us to reveal judgment to help us navigate back to him and LIFE.

How many lives were saved because their body/health signaled to them something visible that we call symptoms? Maybe someone eats unhealthily all the time but suddenly (it's not sudden, it is an accumulation) that person manifests outward symptoms signaling to him or her that they are doing something wrong inwardly that is unplugging them from life, health, and protection and leading to death, doom, and gloom. THAT WAS A GOOD THING, right? TO SEE IT.

I see God's judgments like that. We are doing something wrong, not according to his nature, word, and will, and then we see the rotten fruits of it and we call it judgment. OH GOD IS JUDGING ME because I did this and that! STOP it silly. God loves you, and it is his mercy that he is revealing to you that you are on the wrong path and he wants you to repent and reroute. Don't you love it when your GPS shows you are going in the wrong direction? If you are sensitive enough and I AM SURE WE ARE ALL SENSITIVE TO OUR GPS, we will respond and engage immediately to correct our paths saving us from all kinds of troubles. No sane person would say, oh wow, my GPS is judging me for going the wrong way, for doing my own will. Your GPS is programmed to help you stay on track, and the signals, voices, and beeps (the judgment) are to help you notice this quickly! Oh judgment is good now that you are seeing it the right way!

God's people lost it, from King Ahab to all the nation, they forsook God and worshiped idols and wrong ideologies. That famine was good! It was an alarming signal trumpeting to the nation that they are no longer connected to blessing. God wants them connected again! That's why he had Elijah proclaim “the judgment” sounding the alarm, giving his people an opportunity to see it as it is and go for repentance to connect back to LIFE because you are made for LIFE, and everything will beep and signal to tell you otherwise.

The judgment reveals to you the wickedness of sin because sin in nature is deceiving and “promises” you a good life. Judgement is God's mercy allowing us to see the truth of the matter.

Let's go back to the opening verse:

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, ‘Is this you, the cause of disaster to Israel?' He said, ‘I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father’s house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals. Now then, send orders and gather to me all Israel at Mount Carmel, together with 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of the Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.'” – 1 Kings 18:17-18

Ahab, the deceived, accused Elijah of causing trouble to Israel by judging them for drought and famine. Elijah was just a spokesman for God; he didn't do it. Elijah was for Israel and not against it; he was a prophet for this reason: to establish truth and bring protection and deliverance. But Ahab lost his mind to deception because he worshipped idols and stopped seeing the truth and who was with him or against him (Romans 1). This happens when we sin; we harden! So Elijah told him it is not me who brought this on Israel but you and your father's house have because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and you have followed Baals. Let's also remember that Omri, King Ahab's father, was also a wicked King and followed this path too.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” – Proverbs 14:34

So God has a solution to this; he wants to SAVE! We know what happens next on Mount Carmel; the solution was presented to Israel.

God demonstrated himself because of ONE man (the Church owes it to people), and the whole of Israel worshipped God again and forsook Baal and slew their demonic prophets, and rain came back! The economy shifted in a day, and life was preserved. But King Ahab DIDN'T REPENT when we continue reading the story, he stayed in alliance with Jezebel. So why would God lift the curse off of the Land?

Elijah said to Ahab that he and his father's house were the reason they brought disaster to Israel. But on Mount Carmel, we see that only the people of Israel repented and not King Ahab and his household who were in leadership. The problem was with Ahab, and Ahab didn't repent on Mount Carmel. Why would God restore the nation to blessing?

I think I understand two things here. God can bring life to a nation if the leadership aligns with him, but if the leadership remains wicked and doesn't want to repent and change the laws and honor God, the Lord still wants to save and have mercy on the people and the land, so he would visit the people of the nation and deal with them to repent. In this story, ALL ISRAEL on Mount Carmel worshipped Jehovah again, but the King of Israel remained wicked, and God saw that BIG and for their repentance overrode the wickedness of the King and restored the land. “When ALL the people saw this, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God!”

If kings and queens of your nations are wicked and don't want to repent, the Church can and must invest anyway in the people of the nation by leading them to repentance through crusades, evangelism, etc. disciplining everyone! This path is what I believe the Church is heading toward.

Revival is coming to the land; people will repent, and we will see God blessing and healing the land again.

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” – Acts 3:19


God bless you
Tony Francis

Let's continue this conversation below in the comment section… What's on your mind?

5 Life Lessons From Colossians

Lesson 1: Chapter 1 – Christ is everything.

Colossians 1:17-20, “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.”

It's easy to get overwhelmed in this world with which we live. It seems like there are competing philosophies and views about almost everything. But the words in the above passage hold amazing and transforming words. Jesus Christ means everything and as his followers we need to reflect that.

Lesson 2: Chapter 2 – Live in Christ.

Colossians 2:6-10 – “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.”

Being a Christian means more than just assenting to a creed, or a particular moment in faith, or a public confession. We are to live in Christ.

Our lives are established and experienced in a daily commitment to follow the way of Jesus. He alone is the authority of our lives and he directs our path. Worldly “religion” and philosophy have no place in the lives of believers.

Lesson 3: Chapter 3 – Set your mind on Christ.

Colossians 3:1-3, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

I don't want to be misinformed or uninformed so I try to keep up with the news reports of what's going on around me. However, in today's world that can still happen if you watch the news. We can get overwhelmed, confused, and at times thrown in despair. Too much of this world's information can take our minds off of things from above. Focusing on Christ, his mission, his priorities and his values helps us get things right.

Lesson 4: Chapter 4 – Walk wisely as witnesses for Christ.

Colossians 4:2-6, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.
Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

I’ve seen two extremes in witnessing. Many say, “I don’t have the gift of evangelism and I’m not good at talking with people, so I’ll just live the Christian life, be an example.” That's a good start, but if that's all you do you’re going to have to live the Christian life better than Jesus because he not only lived the life (perfectly), he also spoke to sinners about salvation.

On the other hand, some Christians come across as what I call “throat crammers for Jesus.” These are the types who work in telemarketing and love it or just stand on a street corner screaming that everyone's going to hell. They have no problem accosting total strangers and shoving their message down the person's throat. And then the person who gets accosted makes sure they never go near another religious fanatic again. And unfortunately, those who are “silent” witnesses gain another excuse for why they don’t talk to others about Christ: They don’t want to be like those rude, insensitive “throat crammers for Jesus.”

There are two things here: First, there is the content of the gospel itself; then, there is how we share and discuss that content.

The Lord doesn’t want us to be “silent witnesses” or “throat crammers for Jesus.” He wants us to be wise witnesses who live godly lives and who take advantage of every opportunity to talk graciously to lost people about the Savior.

When Paul says that we are to walk with wisdom toward outsiders, he means that we are to live in line with God’s Word so that those who are not Christians will see the beauty of our lives and relationships that reflect Jesus Christ. They ought to be able to see the fruit of the Spirit in us, which should draw them to the Savior.

It should be noted that Paul asked for prayer so that when God opened the door, he would SPEAK the gospel. He was confined in prison, but he was still looking for ways to both live as an example of the gospel AND speak the gospel. That should be our mindset as well.

Jeff Hagan

Journey to Immortality: Accessing the Secret Room Where Every Wrong is Made Right!!!

It doesn't exist!

There are places where you will look for certain things and never find them, like viruses and bacteria in an ICU, for example. Heaven is a place where only good things exist. You won't find sickness, poverty, sadness, depression, lack, death, or loss in Heaven. Have I piqued your interest in going to Heaven? You will go there if you have accepted the redemption of Yeshua in your heart and believed in his name! Matthew 6 gives us a glimpse of Heaven, a very exciting place where there are no headaches, robberies, thefts, drainage issues, insecurity, or danger:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

On Earth, moths and vermin will destroy your treasures, and there are thieves who will break in to kill, steal, and destroy. Your health, joy, provision, peace of mind, and security are your treasures. In Heaven, all these are secured and more!

But what is Heaven? Where is Heaven? When is Heaven?

Yes, I believe there is an abode, a realm where Heaven exists, but Heaven is the realm of God's abode where he rules and reigns! It is because of his presence and reign that it is Heaven. I always tell others, “Hell is hell not because the devil is there, but because Jesus is not there.” Jesus makes Heaven; he is our Heaven!

Isn't it strange and mysteriously weird that God provides this kind of place for the citizens of Heaven, yet he doesn't provide it for us here on Earth as born-again believers? In fact, NO! God is the same God for everyone who believes in him through Christ Jesus! It is not from his side but from ours that we are not living and matching to this abundant life, the ZOE life of God. Jesus reveals to us in Mark 11 the key to living Heaven on Earth, even while you are still breathing in this messed up world:

“And as he taught them, he said, ‘Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of thieves.’”

If you are not a house of prayer, you are a den of thieves. You are putting yourself in a vulnerable place that doesn't resemble Heaven. You blame God for your health, provision, joy, etc., but God provided another aspect of Heaven for us through the righteousness of his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, who lives in YOU by the Holy Spirit. Righteousness means “it is made right.” It is your secret room where you will look for certain things and never find them. You won't find sickness in the righteousness of God; it doesn't exist! You won't find worry in the righteousness of God; it doesn't exist! You name it…

“For our sake, he made him who knew no sin to be sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

You are the righteousness of God, here on earth!

What do you do when a war breaks out in your city? You run to the shelter. God's righteousness is your hidden shelter, your secret room that lives INSIDE your spirit man:

“Nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)

Whatever comes against you that is not righteous, because it will come or may come, drag it to the secret room of righteousness with you, where it annihilates. In there, unrighteousness doesn't exist, can't stand. And remember, the devil was thrown out of Heaven, and it is a place of no access for him anymore!

“In the same way, CONSIDER yourselves to be dead to sin and alive to God with Christ Jesus.” (Romans 6:11)

Sin is not dead in this world, but YOU are dead to it in Christ Jesus IF you believe this truth, consider it, and enforce it. I've never liked cigarettes; thus, the feeling or experience of addiction to cigarettes is not alive to me. I don't know what it feels like. I CONSIDER sin, what I've gone through, or what may come my way as the same because of what Jesus purchased for me. Hallelujah! I am dead to lust, fornication, pride, perversion, poverty, sadness, sickness, fear, etc.

Journey to immortality by accessing the secret room where every wrong is made right!!!

God bless you,
Tony Francis

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Lessons from Dr. Phil on the Perils of People Pleasing: From a Recovering People Pleaser

Friendship is a beautiful aspect of life that brings joy, support, and companionship. However, when the desire to please others takes precedence over our own needs and values, it can lead to an imbalance in our relationships. People-pleasing, while often well-intentioned, can hinder the development of authentic friendships, further damaging our fragile self-worth.

I was recently reminded of my journey of learning how to avoid the pitfalls of people-pleasing and foster genuine connections by starting with learning to love myself. A dear friend recalled one of our first phone conversations when we discussed people-pleasing. She mentioned an episode of Dr. Phil from years ago, stating that what she learned on that show was “life-changing.” I chuckled to myself, contemplating whether I should tell her that I was actually on that episode. When I finally revealed the truth, her reaction was more exuberant than I had expected. What struck me was that the words she spoke were the same words I used to convince my husband to go on the show with me, despite his initial reluctance. I had said, “What if doing this show could change just one person's life?” The statement seemed dramatic even to me, but my friend echoed those very words. It made me wonder if I had heard her correctly.

Reflecting on that time, my friend helped me understand why someone might find the advice from Dr. Phil on that show “life-changing.” For me, his advice was indeed profound, and I carried the lessons I learned with me, building upon them over the years.

These are the life-altering lessons, simple yet not easy. The first lesson is about the dangers of people-pleasing. Rooted in the fear of rejection or conflict, people-pleasing involves constantly seeking approval and prioritizing others' needs over our own. While it may seem like a selfless act, it can have detrimental effects on our well-being, friendships, and self-worth.

Dr. Phil also emphasized the loss of authenticity that comes with people-pleasing. When we constantly strive to please others, we suppress our true selves, leading to a lack of authenticity in our friendships. Genuine connections are built on mutual understanding, acceptance, and respect for each other's individuality. By sacrificing our own needs and desires, we risk losing our unique identity and becoming mere reflections of others' expectations. I had to be honest and admit that this was true of me.

Another lesson I gleaned from Dr. Phil was the imbalance in relationships that people-pleasing often creates. In friendships, one person may consistently give while the other takes. This dynamic can lead to resentment, as the people-pleaser may feel unappreciated or taken advantage of. Genuine friendships thrive on reciprocity, where both parties contribute equally and support each other's growth.

Emotional exhaustion was a realization that came to me when contemplating everything I had learned after the show aired. Constantly striving to meet others' expectations can be emotionally draining. People-pleasers often find themselves overwhelmed, struggling to maintain a facade of perfection and meet everyone's demands. This exhaustion hinders the ability to form deep, meaningful connections, leaving little energy for self-care and genuine emotional investment. Moments that should be shared as memorable experiences become blurred, vague memories of overexertion and regret.

Fostering authentic friendships became my mission. I realized that self-awareness and the ability to recognize my own needs, values, and boundaries were essential for my survival. It wasn't an easy task, and it didn't happen overnight. Understanding that it is okay to prioritize our well-being and say no when necessary was uncomfortable at first. However, over time, I discovered that by being true to ourselves, we attract friends who appreciate and respect our authenticity.

Communication emerged as another major lesson from this unique experience. Open and honest communication is vital in any friendship, and it became even more crucial with my best friend, my husband, who often took a back seat to those who demanded much of my attention previously. To be authentic, we must express our thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly, while also actively listening to our friends, spouses, and family. Healthy friendships and relationships are built on mutual understanding and acceptance of each other's perspectives.

Establishing healthy boundaries was and still is one of the most challenging lessons I had to learn. Learning to say no when overwhelmed or when a request compromises our values doesn't come easy for a recovering people-pleaser. However, boundaries are essential because they create a balanced dynamic and foster respect for each other's individuality.

Finally, there is the dynamic of mutual support. Authentic friendships are characterized by mutual support and encouragement. We should celebrate each other's successes, provide a listening ear during challenging times, and offer constructive feedback when needed. By nurturing a supportive environment, we create a space where both parties can grow and thrive.

The most meaningful moment of this experience wasn't even on camera but during a commercial break when Dr. Phil, known for his sometimes harsh approach, leaned over to me and quietly said, “God made you beautiful, articulate, and intelligent, and you need to believe you are worthy of true friendship.” That moment will be etched in my memory forever because it was life-changing for me. He saw a person who didn't see her own value and spoke words of encouragement and affirmation, much more than psychological advice. It was as if a father was speaking to his daughter. From that point on, I wanted to give that gift to others who may not believe they are worthy of love.

From a Christian perspective, people-pleasing can be seen as a stumbling block in our faith journey. A powerful passage in the Bible, Galatians 1:10, asks, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” As followers of Christ, our ultimate aim should be to please God rather than seeking validation from others. This is where we find our true self-worth. Jesus teaches us to love one another as ourselves (Mark 12:31) and to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else (Matthew 6:33). By aligning our actions and intentions with God's will, we can cultivate friendships rooted in love, authenticity, and mutual respect. As we seek to please God, we can trust that He will guide us in forming genuine connections that honor Him and bring joy and fulfillment to our lives.

While the desire to please others is natural, it is essential to strike a balance between meeting others' needs and prioritizing our own well-being, keeping God as our main priority. Authentic friendships are built on mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance of each other's individuality. By embracing our identity in Christ and who we were created to be, setting healthy boundaries, and fostering open communication, we can cultivate genuine connections that enrich our lives. Remember, as this wise doctor reminded me, true friends appreciate you for who you are, not for what you can do for them.

Dedicated to Gavi. 💞 Thank you for the reminder that started a lasting friendship for which I am eternally grateful!

A Heart of Gratitude

I’ve recently been thinking about all I have to be grateful for in my life, but even more than that, how much it has impacted me to be on the receiving end of gratitude and even just being in the presence of grateful people.

Feeling appreciated is important to us all. Being recognized for sacrifice and hard work is a fuel that propels us forward and a compass that often allows us to navigate life’s treacherous waters. Gratitude is a powerful virtue that holds immense significance in the life of a Christian. It is not merely a fleeting feeling of thankfulness, but rather a transformative attitude that can shape our perspective, relationships, and overall well-being. When we cultivate a heart of gratitude, we open ourselves up to experiencing the abundant blessings and grace that God has given us.

There are more examples of the profound effects of gratitude in our daily life than can be counted.
First and one of the most important things gratitude creates, is that it deepens our relationship with God. Gratitude is an expression of our faith and trust in God's providence. When we acknowledge and appreciate the blessings He has given us, we draw closer to Him. Gratitude helps us recognize His hand in every aspect of our lives, leading to a deeper sense of intimacy and connection with our Heavenly Father.

Additionally gratitude shifts our focus from lack to abundance. In a world that often emphasizes what we lack, gratitude redirects our attention to the abundance that surrounds us. As Christians, we are called to be content in all circumstances, and gratitude helps us cultivate a mindset of contentment. It reminds us of the countless blessings we have received, both big and small, and helps us appreciate the richness of God's provision.

Gratitude also strengthens our relationships. Living in a place of focusing on what we are grateful for, has the power to transform our interactions with others. When we express gratitude towards our loved ones, friends, and even strangers, we create an atmosphere of love, appreciation, and encouragement. Gratitude fosters humility which is essential in helping us recognize the value and worth of those around us. It strengthens our relationships and builds a sense of community within the body of Christ.

It inspires generosity and service. Gratitude is not meant to be kept to ourselves; it compels us to share our blessings with others. As Christians, we are called to be generous and serve those in need. Gratitude fuels our desire to give back, to be a blessing to others, and to share the love of Christ through our actions. It motivates us to be compassionate, kind, and selfless in our interactions with others.

Gratitude actually enhances our overall well-being and should be considered a part of our wellness plan. Numerous studies have shown that gratitude has a positive impact on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When we practice gratitude, our stress levels decrease, and our overall happiness and satisfaction increase. Gratitude helps us develop a positive outlook on life, even in the midst of challenges, and promotes a sense of peace and contentment.

I have concluded that cultivating the habit and awareness of living in a constant state of gratitude is a transformative attitude that will reap rewards for years and even generations to come. So if being grateful has such a profound effect on us and everyone around us. If it deepens our relationship with God, shifts our focus from lack to abundance, strengthens our relationships, enhances our overall well-being, and inspires generosity and service then why are we not more conscious of living in a constant state of gratitude? Well, because it’s impossible to be grateful and hateful or resentful or grumpy simultaneously. We have to choose one or the other.

My prayer for us all is that we choose to begin our day by focusing on cultivating a heart of gratitude. Lets remember to give thanks to God for His immeasurable love and grace, and to express our gratitude to those around us.

Lets choose gratitude and choose to make gratitude a constant presence in our lives, shaping us into the image of Christ and bringing glory to God.