Prophetic Word for the month of Elul 5783 September 2023

Hey everyone, we just entered the biblical month of Elul 5783 / September 2023. Not only each day God's mercies are renewed to us but every single month and every single year and after a set of years too, like 7 years, 50 years, etc. The Lord in his great compassion waits to show you his great mercy, are you receiving it? Are you aligning with him, and his timing by faith to be under the canopy of his authority and be overtaken by his goodness and glory?

This is not just another prophetic word about what the Holy Spirit is saying to us for this month, it is not a fortune cookie at all. We honor God and fear his word and timing because he loves us greatly and wants us in the blessing zone. LIFE to you in Jesus' name.

I was praying for you about the new month of Elul 5783 / September 2023 and this is what I believe I received from the Holy Spirit and I pray it will bless your socks off in Jesus' mighty name. I believe it is going to be a TURNAROUND month, yeah yeah I know you've been seeing this word a lot and believing for it for a while but it is important to know that you've been breaking through, you've been progressing, EVERY TIME YOU PRAY something happens and you are closer. But in this month because it is also preparing us for a new BIBLICAL hebraic godly year 5784 in the midst of September, God is about to wrap things up for you BIG time because he doesn't want you to drag to a new whole season in him. I've learned that there is something called “THE FINISHING ANOINTING” and you can believe for it this very month and expect it. I sense I will hear a lot from you good testimonies about that.

The word of God tells us that in the time of rain ask for rain and since we are ending a year, you can ask the Lord to bring this big final turnaround as you start a new dawn with him. You are under this blessing in this month, you can press in and believe for it or just let it go. But now that you knew about it, that's why we discern times and seasons, benefit from what is available in the heavenlies and pull the divine TURNAROUND down over your life and those long challenges, relationships, finances, sicknesses, ministries, etc.

The month of Elul is your month of TURNAROUND! Do you believe it? Amen.

If you feel sowing into this, you can do it here:

God bless you

Tony Francis

Prophetic Word for the month of AV 5783 August 2023

Welcome to the new biblical month of AV 5783 that started on July 24th at sunset. By now I believe many of you are familiar with God's precious and holy calendar. We never worship his calendar, we honor it but we worship him and keep our eyes and affections on Yeshua, Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior! Yet it is essential to be aligned with Heaven and God's appointments and feasts and thank God that only redemption is passed to us in Christ. Fear no feast or month because God filtered it to us through the blood of his Son. Never receive a curse!

As I was positioning myself to hear from the Lord what he is saying to us, I received this from the Holy Spirit and I pray it blesses you as you read it and enlightens you in Jesus' name:

It is a month of BIG TIME BLESSINGS because AV means ABBA. Yes, God is your heavenly Father every month and forever but this month is named after him and holds special meanings, substances, and authority. ABBA is the provider, every dad on earth is too. In just one month, you can receive a provision for your whole vision. God can finance you for a long time in just one moment! This month can be your huge STEP, your biggest and quickest leap for your visions, dreams, and callings.

Many will connect to this truth by faith and they will not be missed by ABBA but others will read this as another entertaining prophetic word without releasing their faith! I decree you will respond to that in Jesus' name and let the blessings of this month overwhelm you. Wherever and whenever you look, BLESSINGS all around. This window of time can be a restoration month for your provision. But also the Spirit is saying, you don't need to limit ABBA to provision, yet this is the biggest part of him, but he can provide for your security, protection, affirmation, etc. Whatever you see in him and however you perceive your heavenly DAD this month, he will manifest to you.

If you feel sowing into Healed Nations Ministries this month, feel free to do this below. We pray for our partners, celebrate and honor them, and their love and support! For any donation of 75$ and more, we will sow back into you and send you by email a personal prophetic word for this month of AV 5783.

God bless you

Tony Francis

Prophetic Word for the month of Tammuz 5783 July 2023

June 19th, 2023 we entered a new biblical, divine, Godly, and Hebraic month of Tammuz! It is always exciting to do life with the Lord because guess what? His times and seasons are always for us and always good.

This is what I believe our Heavenly Father is saying in this month:

I see in the spirit the big giant grape held by the mighty spies of Moses back to their place as a foretaste of encouragement from the promised land.

This is what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying to us, in this month of Tammuz 5783 / July 2023 you will be carrying my goodness enlarged after you've been carrying weighty sorrows, trials, and tribulations. People have seen you going through, some mocked your faith, others mocked your God, and the devil with his elevated nose of pride tried to convince you that you are destined for cycles of pain, rejection, hurt, and sicknesses and that you will never see a breakthrough or the dawn of an expected end.

By the authority of the Holy Spirit, the Lord of times and seasons I release you into your answered prayers, your persistent decree of “I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”. I usher you in Jesus' mighty name, it is God's timing, his perfect will and some of you need thoughts adjustment to get out of “being used to samo-samo” Less you will miss this alignment with God. I understand we can go through long cycles in which we lose hope and we lock ourselves sometimes in a certain perspective that is not of faith and belief. Make sure you are hearing the Lord, your healer, passing by your room of affliction notifying you it is your DAY OUT! Don't stay there.

You might need others to help you carry your enlarged blessings as well, pray this into existence. You are blessed to be a blessing.

Let's pray: Lord, I connect my faith with this word and I align myself with your agenda for me this month and on. Help me be and live in your fullness in Jesus' name! It is my time to shine and be overtaken by your GLORY. I decree it is my new day in God, amen!

If you feel sowing into Healed Nations Ministries this month, feel free to do this below. We pray for our partners, celebrate and honor them, and their love and support!

God bless you

Tony Francis

A Special Word From the Lord this Pentecost 2023

“I am among my church still and will always stay. The church is my holy bride and I constantly wash her away from accusations against her. The number one tactic of the devil and this unclean world against my church is to slow her down with accusations. This Pentecost I will release my church into new levels of freedom, a glorious freedom!

“Who is this who looks down like the dawn, beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, awesome as an army with banners?” Song of Solomon 6:10

Accusations uglify and you are beautiful in me. Be on my side, always release my heart of intercession, and don’t weaken my arm, the church is my holy arm and I want to use you greatly for such a time as this. Please know the nature of the accusation and know that you are not of it. It is the stranger’s voice that you don’t hear. Truth leads, accusation stops your progress and my kingdom’s advancement. There is nothing good in accusation, it is not the exhortation that you want to release, it is totally different.

I love you; I am meeting with you in a special way this Pentecost, it is the church’s birthday that is so precious to my heart. The church carries my precious salvation to the whole world. The enemy couldn’t stop me from redemption but if he could stop the church that carries the message, he would love to and he is working on this night and day! Today you are seeing the many laws the enemy is establishing to restrict your freedom and kill the message, twist it, and label it as craziness, hatred, and religious. But I will rise, the ancient days, and turn things swiftly and suddenly. I love suddenlies, don’t you?

I will do a new thing in your schools, well, it is not new; I am just digging old wells that will refresh the generation. I want you to know my heart this Pentecost, I don’t hate those against me, I love them all to life. You can still love everyone and stand for the truth. Hating others will put you in a vulnerable position, weaken your truth and even contaminate your anointing, you will be rendered ineffective. Don’t swallow that bait!

This Pentecost, I am touching your tongues, and realigning them with LIFE for your organs are a weapon of righteousness.



God bless you

Tony Francis

If you feel led to sow into this prophetic ministry this Pentecost it will be a great blessing that will help us advance the word of God.


Prophetic Word for the month of Sivan 5783 June 2023

We just stepped into a new biblical Hebraic month, the month of SIVAN – JUNE and it is my birthday month (haha). I was born on June 7th, 1984 and the letter associated with the month of Sivan is Zayin which counts 7 too. I love number 7! I pray you will have a blessed month under the canopy of God's presence, blessings & APPOINTMENTS in Jesus' name.

I was praying for you, those who visit my website, and on my mailing list and this is what I believe the Holy Spirit wants to say to you about this new month.

You can study yourself about the month of Sivan 5783 and even ask the Lord to give you specific words for this month but I am highlighting to you here what I feel the Lord wants to zero on and remember we prophesy in PART! So do your homework.

The corridor of this month that you are going to walk through is filled with roses and flowers on both sides. Once it was a desert for you, thorns and hardship and NOW you stepped into a realm of time where it is flowery! I see those laid flowers around you as blessings from the Lord and I see the blessing of HEALING highlighted to you in this month, among other blessings.

Those blessings are calling your name and if you don't take it personally and get serious about it, you may be missing them. God wants you to walk in blessings, “However you look, great blessings”. I feel like titling it the MONTH OF BLESSINGS & UNPRECEDENTED BLESSINGS! Some of you will receive their promotions in SIVAN-JUNE, a long-awaited desire. I feel the Holy Spirit highlighting Joseph in the Old Testament. God wants you to receive the blessings that were on his life, yes you can because in Christ you are grated and the blessings of our forefathers are down passed to us. LORD, I AM CLAIMING THOSE BLESSINGS RIGHT NOW IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME!

Breakthrough, strength, and power will be the hovering banner over you this time. Power will be released with your spoken words so be careful to speak life and be under the submission of the Holy Spirit. It is going to be a great month in the presence of the Lord Yeshua, Jesus. Amen!

What is the Lord talking to you about this month? Feel free to mention it in the comment section below the bottom of the page. I will be reading your revelations and others will too.

Thank you for being part of this tribe, thank God for your love, faithfulness, and support and I thank God for the privilege and honor he gives me when I serve you in one way or another. You are not a number my friend, I value you and I bless you in Jesus' name.

Feel free to request a prophetic ministry, and check my digital store and my online Christian store for beautiful apparel & accessories (use the coupon code for a discount).

If you feel led to sow into this prophetic ministry at the beginning of this new month or anytime it will be a great blessing that will help us advance the word of God. Also if you feel like wishing me a happy birthday by sowing a blessing, feel free to do that and mention in the comment section after checkout that your donation is a birthday gift to Tony Francis. 

God bless you


Prophetic Word for the month of Adar 5783 / March 2023

God is healing many from mild to strong depressions this month, the Lord is setting YOU free and putting you on a new path. I hear in my spirit the word RE-ALIGNED, this is what it will feel like to you. The Lord is reminding me of this beautiful and powerful verse in Psalm 23:3 “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.” For some, that verse will be their verse of the year, it will be a time of rehabilitation, it is going to be progress and a process, so be encouraged, do NOT faint because every day the Lord will add more strength, refreshment, and joy to you.

I also sense the INVITE of the Lord for us to reach out to people and believers going through their dark night of the soul and minister to them. Yeshua will be there with you so close to their brokenness and it will be a miracle in motion to them. It will be a different and unique experience for each minister and as Kathryn Kuhlman said once: “God is not looking for silver or gold vessels, but for yielded vessels”. Jesus wants your availability only and he will do the rest. Let's make it simple and not complicate the power of God because it flows in the context of relationships, he is a relational God!

If you've been struggling with depression, sadness, mental health, a soul vexing, hopelessness, or like, I take my authority in Christ and I annihilate those foes and render them as nothing. Receive your freedom and healing!

It is your SPRING time, winter is gone. Amen

Tony Francis

If you want me to ADD you to my prayer list this month to pray further for your soul recovery and your freedom from depression and like, please mention that after you checkout if you feel sowing a donation in this prophetic month. God bless you in Jesus' name. Amen! Your donation empowers us to stay online and minister to many around the world. Even the little given in faith can bless this ministry!

Prophetic Word for the month of Shevat 5783 / February 2023

Though every biblical month I get the word of the Lord, it has never become a religious routine for me, it is a divine discipline in Jesus' name. It is important and a great blessing to honor God's order and acknowledge his ways! Knowing him is eternal life. I pray that this prophetic word from our precious Lord, Yeshua, for this month will be a great blessing to you and position your faith and expectations to receive the good things he has in STORE for you.

It is so good to follow Holy Spirit to watch and read what other prophetic voices are forth-telling about this biblical and gregorian month and every other month because we prophesy in part. I believe the Lord entrusted me with this specific prophetic nugget about this month because he is highlighting it for YOU because he knows you are on my mailing list or would be visiting my website. God is awesome in his wisdom and knows how to meet with you.

I believe the precious Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is saying this about the month of Shevat 5783/ February 2023. Many of you will be traveling this month, I believe both in the natural and in the spirit. God wants to use you this month and take you to new places geographically and in the spirit realm, to new levels in him. You will not meet his precious appointed people he wants you to minister to if you stay where you are now and in the level of influence, you are in.

Many are waiting for you to show up, and minister to them by the Spirit. The man from Macedonia appeared to the apostle Paul in a vision and begged him to come over for help and Paul responded as he witnessed that from the Holy Spirit. We are not led by visions but by the Spirit! Test the spirits, break for the needs of others and be compassionate but remember to follow Holy Spirit and get the green light of grace from him. Because Holy Spirit is true love and he knows best as Kathryn Kuhlman has said, if Jesus could trust the Holy Spirit, surely I can.

Many of you are willing to dance your way up and move with Holy Spirit, yet have questions about the provision to be able to do that. Traveling costs, let's face it, and be real. PRAY, says the Holy Spirit, and I will meet your need because I want it and desire it more than you do.

Don't limit God, and don't expect him to move in a certain way or rational way to meet your provision. It is never written in the bible to ask God for money to meet the need. The word says, let your request be made known unto him and he answers. If you need a ride, don't go rational and pray clichet prayers, Lord, I need a car for transportation! Just ask him for a ride because this is your need, he may give you a car, he may have someone pick you up, or maybe he wants to translate you supernaturally in the spirit. Let God be God!

Have a blessed and happy traveling in Jesus' name and may YOU meet those precious appointed people. Jesus stopped for the Samaritan woman!

Tony Francis

If you feel led to sow into this word beginning of this month to harvest your traveling provision, feel free to do that. I am believing with you in Jesus' name. After you checkout, leave in the comment the word SHEVAT TRAVEL. Thanks for your generosity. God bless you in Jesus' name! Amen. 

Prophetic Word For Year 2023: Breaking the Neck of the Enemy

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22

… and the time came when they possessed the kingdom. It is time to release the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is different from the Church. The Church executes the kingdom of God, but the Church is not the whole kingdom of God.

God is not THE KING if he is not king over everything. It is time to release the kingdom of God everywhere through the Church, his holy people, and because the Church of Jesus Christ is not very well trained and open to the concept of the kingdom, many denominations will find it hard to step into this prophetic word because they ONLY knew the CHURCH and many of us are narrow-minded about authority and the spreading of the kingdom. We don’t think like kings and definitely not like the KING of kings and the Lord of lords. Yet his holy people, you and me are made kings in him!

This is the year when the authority of King Jesus given to the Church will start to break the neck of the enemy on so many levels, your individual life, and corporately! Halleluiah.

In the book of Revelation, we read that when the cup of incense of the prayers of the saints, his holy ones, was full, God released fire as a downpouring at once. We also know the story of the widow who knocked persistently at the door of an unjust judge and after a WHILE, justice was served to her when she felt “defeated” (Daniel 7:21-22), weakened, and at her lowest. Glory to God!

That’s exactly what is being played now.

“As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7:21-22


The Most High, the Ancient of Days & the Holy Ones are 3 important keys to understanding and stepping into this prophecy:

I love the name of God here “the Most High”. That’s KINGDOM! The Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High.

The kingdom is always in high places or it is not a kingdom. In this season, the holy people of God shall know the Lord as the Most High. You will think in terms of high places from now on. The Most High will disciple you and shift your paradigms from small thinking, from just a church meeting to kingdom, to high places where the Most High is enthroned. The devil thinks this way and if you look around, he has his grip on the high places and positions and has exposure everywhere. Will you dare to step into higher places and plug the banner of the Most High on the top of your career, business, education, entertainment, politics, and on?

The second important word is “the Ancient of Days”. The Ancient of Days pronounced the judgment. Why the Ancient of Days? Because God is the highest wisdom, he is WISDOM and the devil established his kingdom with his demonic wisdom and sneaked in everywhere with his deceptive wisdom that seemed to be irresistible for a while AND WEAKENED AND DEFEATED THE HOLY PEOPLE OF THE MOST HIGH for a while. The church was overwhelmed and felt lacking the wisdom to override this demonic deceptive wisdom in the high places UNTIL the Ancient of Days stepped in and pronounced judgment!

God who is the highest WISDOM will release strategies to his holy people that will JUDGE the lowest levels of that demonic deceptive wisdom. God will give you a mouth and wisdom to shut the mouths of lions, the mouths of all the enemies. It is a war between doctrines!

“Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” Hebrews 11:33-34

Finally, the third important word in this verse is “his holy people”. Only the consecrated unto the Lord will possess the kingdom and break the neck of the enemy!

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5

Blessed New Year to you in Jesus' name

Tony Francis

UPDATE: Hours after I wrote this prophetic word that Holy Spirit gave me for the year 2023, it was greatly confirmed by Apostle Patricia King and Prophet Bobby Conner when they released their own prophetic words for the year 2023. I am greatly humbled and encouraged! I am not considering myself in the stature of those two great spiritual leaders, but I rejoice greatly to be entrusted with such a weighty word. I will leave to you the reference links to their prophetic words if you want to check them and allow your faith to skyrocket. When the Lord confirms his word many times, it means he is establishing it. Halleluiah! Glory to God.

Watch Patricia King's prophetic word for 2023

Watch Prophet Bobby Conner's prophetic word for 2023

  • As you start a new beginning in the Lord, I would like to invite you to join my private WhatsApp group “Ask Holy Spirit” for prophetic activations, if you are interested in growing in the prophetic this year. Click here to learn more.
  • Consider joining my private Facebook for prophetic mentoring, activations, and more. Click here to learn more.
  • Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. We are reaching many around the world and touching many lives for his glory. We couldn’t make it without God and your partnership. If you feel led by the Lord to sow generously beginning of this year, click here to make your donation.

Prophetic Word to End Strong Year 2022

For some of you to read a prophetic word about ending a year may be a little surprising because many of us are used to reading prophecies about the beginnings. But in our relationships with our Lord Yeshua, Jesus Christ, we should submit all of our timelines to him, to his Lordship, whether it is a beginning of a thing, the center of it, or the closure!

Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith! As believers, we live by faith and not by time and for me, the author and the finisher mean the beginning and the end. God wants to perfect your faith, bring it to fullness, and crown your year with strong endings because we go from glory to GLORY and the latter glory should be greater than the former.

We should be way excited about a prophetic word for an ending, and ask joyfully how our faith is going to be perfected by him who started it. After all, Jesus is the ALPHA and the OMEGA and we prophesy with him his glorious beginnings and his more glorious endings. Can you imagine spending all of your efforts building toward a goal and it fades away at the end because you didn't know how to wrap up strong? All of your costly investments will be lost and the regret will be major.

From this perspective, I am prophesying to YOU your glorious ending and closure of this season. Consider it as weighty as reading a word for beginnings. This is what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying:

Many of you have GONE through great spiritual warfare and I sense so much pertains to your relationship with your families. You've really suffered a bad mouth, false accusations, robbery of your inheritance, hatred, unforgiveness, and the feelings of loneliness and coldness you felt when you went through all that injustice. Many of you stood your ground strong, kept on the track of righteousness, suffered righteously and some had it all and there is no judgment, only grace and grace abundantly. You all learned hard lessons, how frail mankind is and how naive we can be in the things of love!

The best thing to do at the end of this season is to forgive and forget in the presence of the Lord because time doesn't heal, Jesus does! The Spirit says that if you don't throw those 2 pieces of baggage of unforgiveness and unforgetfulness, your ship in 2023 will be not of a forceful beginning and sailing but of slow motion and dragging. You may be saying what's happening, I prayed about my new year, did this and that! Hear me please, if you don't throw those 2 weighty experiences not much will happen.

We know well the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. No promotion happens without forgiveness and forgetfulness! Joseph was promoted by Pharoah for his wisdom and gift but he was promoted by God for forgetting and forgiving the deep hurt of his family! A new year or a season is about a promotion, a new level should be and you need both YOUR GIFTS/ANOINTINGS and your CHARACTER!

Not many will send you a prophetic word like that but this is the bitter truth medicine that will set us for good for his GLORY! Beloved, don't be deceived … This is how you end your year STRONG in the Lord, and in those couple of days, I hear the Spirit saying many of you will have major breakthroughs and will look like your SUPRISE INTERVENTION. I see you really ADVANCING in Jesus' name. Amen

God bless you

Happy End of the Year

Tony Francis


“The WhatsApp Year Prophetic Word” Limited Offer is about to end in 3 days, December 31. If you've received this ministry that's great as it is one-time sowing because it covers your whole year 2023/5783. But if you want to gift that to a loved one, kindly pass them the link or purchase it for them and mention their name. The offer is a minimum of 50$ sowing, then it goes back to the original price in January.

Click here to request “The WhatsApp Year Prophetic Word” for yourself if you haven't received it yet or sow to someone else: 

If you feel led to sow into this ministry at the end of this year, you can do this on the donation page and you will receive a private link to join my private Facebook group for prophetic mentoring, activations, and more. God bless you!

Prophetic Word for the month of Tevet 5783 / January 2023

As I was praying and seeking the Lord like Habakkuk standing on his tower to see what the holy Lord wants to say to us for the month of Tevet / January 2023 that just started on December 25th, 2022, I heard him saying:

You have waited long and here IT IS, the month you've been waiting for! Believe me, as I say to you these words through my servant, it is INDEED the month you've been waiting for. Why? Because I am a just God, I hear your cry and your persisting faith knocking on my court's door.

This month will be so weighty in glory for you, my sons and daughters, because I am unleashing and loosing great promotions to you in your life areas but first and foremost, in your heart's attitude!

In this month, many of your legal issues and lawsuits will be solved and I hear the Lord saying CASE CLOSED. You've been dragging and dragging with so many issues and I saw strong the release of your faith for the impossible and I was delighting in those aromas behind the scene. In this month, many prodigals I AM SENDING HOME, treat them well when they arrive, and restore them back to me. In this month, many of you who are teachers will be promoted not only with a higher income but also with BONUSES, and I see the Lord winking his eye. In this month, many of you will start your awaited ministries because you sense and feel the green light of the Lord giving you peace to launch and greatly launch in Jesus' name. In this month, many of you shall walk in my miracles and some of you will be the miracle and an open book for others to know there is a living God. You shouldn't have been living AND HERE YOU ARE!

In this month, many of you will gain strength and will RUN their race, it is time to compete with the horses and it will be a time of acceleration AND restoration with this supernatural running. I can't wait to see you shooting off! In this month, many of you will receive downloads about romance, marriage, relationships, and dating. I am POKING you, says the Lord.

Enjoy my goodness!

Tony Francis

In this month, I am believing for those who want to sow to SEE the manifestations of the GOODNESS of the Lord. Feel free to give as the Holy Spirit leads you. Click here or go to the Make a Donation page. God bless you in Jesus' name. Amen!